Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Bittersweet Goodbyes from Board Members; Walker, Cunningham Lose Support; MLK Students Plan Protest

Walker and Atkinson, above, at a prior board meeting where 
they acknowledged the SACS inquiry, were both a bit
stunned by the large crowd at the meeting on Dec. 10.  They
agreed to hold off on a vote on redistricting until after the
first of the year.
The DeKalb County School Board met last night, Dec. 10, in front of a packed house.  We were very pleased to hear some intelligent, well-thought out, factual presentations during the public comments portion of the meeting, which lasted nearly and hour and a half.

Many times, the audience broke out into spontaneous applause, an act the board chairs have frequently admonished on many occasions, but with little success.  One woman who said she had two children at Henderson Middle, called the board to task on the incorrect or vague numbers given in the sloppy proposal put before the board by Superintendent Atkinson.  The speaker demanded more detailed, education-based proof that what was being proposed for the redistricting made sense and warranted an abandonment of the prior redistricting plan that was developed only two years ago.  She received cheers and applause.

Another speaker, a PTA President, who also happens to be Jay Cunningham's wife, from Martin Luther King, Jr. High School, read a letter from a current MLK student and when she was not able to finish it, another speaker offered to read it during her time.  It stated that the students were losing faith in the adults and were planning to protest.

Willie Pringle, one of our favorite speakers who often says he tries to be "a voice for the voiceless" was there to place blame on the board members and issued a warning that they are not above a recall vote by the people.  He said he wanted to know where the money is.  He also demanded justification for the board's  plans to work with the same architectural firm that we are still in court doing battle with over the problems stemming from the last SPLOST.  He accused them of illegal activity and told them that God is not pleased.  You go, Willie Pringle!

Mr. Willie (a.k.a. Mr. Bill) Pringle sounded off at the Dec. 10
school board meeting in DeKalb.  Has he and others finally
had enough of the deceit?  By the sound of the public comments,
he is not alone and may want to recall some of the
board members if they do not vote properly on the
current plan to redistrict and close more schools.   
Chairman, Dr. Eugene Walker stated that the board normally does not respond to public comments, but he felt he needed to set the record straight.  He insisted that there is no mismanagement of funds and "you have honorable people sitting up here representing you."  The crowd of parents, teachers, taxpayers and others chuckled simultaneously out loud at that thought, which only made Dr. Walker continue to defend the school board and administration.

He talked about the various audits that have taken place and said that nothing substantial has come from them.  But, we have to wonder... how would an audit of books that do not accurately reflect the money coming into the school system ever be able to show that the money is being used inappropriately?  If it never hits the books to begin with, there simply is nothing to show for it.  Dr. Walker clearly does not understand that an audit only reviews the facts and figures presented in the accounting ledger being reviewed to determine if there are any questionable items.

As one simple example of how this logic is faulty, just take a look at the cell tower deals that were signed on July 12, 2011 by the board of education.  There was money indicated in the contracts that should have hit the books immediately upon signing.  There was an initial $2,000 per school for simply the opportunity to access the property and begin conducting necessary tests to secure permits.  That time frame ran out and, according to the contracts, another $2,000 was to be paid to extend that "due diligence" period another six months.

Of 12 schools, 9 remained on the final, approved list.  Nine times $2,000 is $18,000 plus another $18,000 is $36,000.  There was also supposed to be $25,000 per school paid into the general fund and then used by the individual schools receiving the towers.  That's another $225,000.  And, for every co-locator, the same deal. With three co-locators expected, that's another $675,000 for a grand total of $936,000 - nearly one million dollars right up front.

That money is.... where?  Did the schools get it?  Did the PTAs get what they were promised?  As Mr. Pringle said, "WHERE IS THE MONEY?"  Did the PTAs throw a big party as Mr. Paul Womack had suggested to the parents at Briarlake Elementary?  Did any of the booster clubs received some large deposits that are anonymous in nature around this same time?  Are we the only ones who remember the facts surrounding these cell towers and the financial windfall that the board members led us to believe would soon follow?

This is the kind of thing Willie Pringle and others are talking about.  An audit would never show money that never makes it to the books in the first place.

Here's a quote directly from the cell tower contracts:
   "Neither party shall record this Lease in the official records of DeKalb County."

Right there is the proof, Dr. Walker, of the mismanagement of our funds.  Money is missing and we are dealing with criminals.

When we stop giving them the benefit of the doubt and start realizing what we are dealing with, we might finally begin to see progress toward restoring our schools.  Until then, all the talk in the world will not change things.  People are getting rich off our tax dollars while children continue to be deprived of their rights to a quality education.

If you are paying attention now, thank you.  But, please do not stop when your "issue" is resolved.  Nothing will ever be better here unless we all work together until ALL the issues are right and those who are doing an injustice to our children are kicked out of their positions of power.

Please, do not THANK them for something like delaying a decision.  They are not doing you any favors.  They are buying themselves more time in order to better deceive you or otherwise shut you  up so that they can continue taking our money.

And, to end the evening's agenda, board members Don McChesney, Tom Bowen and Paul Womack summed up their experiences on the board as this would be their last official public meeting.  To summarize:

  1. McChesney was sincere and warned the public to beware of those who seek to help their own agendas without concern for all the children.  He also assured the public that he is not sexist, despite rumors surrounding a published email where he suggested that women should not be invited to attend a particular meeting.  He thanked his wife and those who voted for him.  He named Nancy Jester and Pam Speaks as being his friends, confidants and said they are truly in it for the children.  We think that was his way of saying that everyone else on the board is as corrupt as we think they are.
  2. Bowen said a lot of lawyer-type gibber-gabber but did not appear to be concerned about anything other than how he looked on the TV monitors.  He was likely distracted by the thought of being called as a witness in the Crawford Lewis trial, now put off until April.
  3. And, finally, Womack, the arch-rival of GTCO-ATL and many others whom he has harmed or attempted to harm during his tenure on the board by various votes and agendas such as cell towers and his refusal to listen to those he was elected to represent.  He likened himself and the job of the school board as second most important to that of the President of the United States.  We can all sleep easier at night knowing that we will not have to hear him tell us how he was begged to return to the board or how many sacrifices he has made to take the job.  Honestly, someone who is constantly telling you that they never wanted the job in the first place is going to always be trouble because they are already in it for the wrong reasons.  We never learned what Womack's reasons for running for the board might have been, but perhaps the image of old, arrogant, white Republicans will fade from our memories as we try to build consensus among communities who want to work together to help the children and overcome the problems the board has saddled upon us.  And, may we all learn to vote responsibly from now on or run for office ourselves!  


Here's a prior speech Willie Pringle gave that addressed the cell tower issue.  Thank you, Mr. Pringle for seeing the truth and helping us call those responsible out for what they have done!

Willie Pringle from Nov. 2011:

First, giving honor to God, to the board, Dr. Atkinson, I thank God for allowing me to be here once again speaking, before our representatives.  And, I'm here standing on behalf of our children, speaking for them, the voice for those who are not able to speak.  One thing I'm standing here this evening for, I'm lookin' at, you're asking for another SPLOST.  A SPLOST that I have a problem with.  Why is that?

When I'm looking at all the money that is right now that is before us, that you all are asking for, I have a problem.  Why?  Because I'm lookin' at here, the schools in DeKalb County, I have to say, it's sad to see how we are failing our children.   We've got some good schools, but also we're lookin' at, as far I'm looking at the board, the money that we have already spent, in legal fees that are still out there, had not been accounted for, I want to know... where is the money?

 Why is that?  Because I see ya'll asking for another SPLOST IV when I'm lookin' at, as far as the teachers, the custodians, all the other employees, are not getting money, but the ones at the top are continue to get paid.  Something is wrong with this picture, people.

And, what I am looking at and seeing now, that where is my representative, I want you to know, I call on you.  For the cell towers, I told you I did not want you to support it, but you still did.  You said you didn't hear from any of your constituents.  I looked you eyeball to eyeball and said, "Do not vote on it because it were a danger to our community."  

And also, I want to know, as whereas, we got to remember, we as taxpayers have a right to know where our tax dollars are being spent. And where I'm looking at other ones that have come before me and been spent.  SPLOST IV should not go!  

Why?  Because there are still millions of dollars out there that have not been accounted for in SPLOST II and III.  So, if you want to do an audit... 6 years there has not been an audit!  Something wrong with that picture there people!  Something's wrong!

Because why?  You cannot come before the people and ask for more money when you are not being good stewards over the money that you have already received.  God is not happy.  God is not pleased with it.    

I want you to know, in closing, as far as they say a "rabble-rouser," they called Jesus the same thing.  

Note:  From Merriam-Webster online:  a Rabble-rouser is one that stirs up (as to hatred or violence) the masses of the people.

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