Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Margaret Harris Comprehensive School STEPS UP TO THE PLATE!

Hey Batter, Batter, Batter!  SWING!

158 TOWERS for Margaret Harris
AND 7 TOWERS for the Palace

Yes, that's right, the Palace now has approximately 7 of its own NEW TOWERS within a half mile radius of their throne room.  What's that all about?  Are they all cell phone towers?  Is this what it takes to get 4G wireless?  Are they building a broacast facility?  Is this why they wanted all that SPLOST money for videoconferencing?  Are they planning on spying on all of us?  Are they being replaced by 3-D images like on the Wizard of OZ, a sound effects machine for their microphones and a giant fog machine?  What is going on here?

The homeowners and residents near Margaret Harris Comprehensive School in Atlanta have recently learned that their neighborhood is one of the 9 that will soon receive a cell tower without a single notification to the community by the school, the school board or the county zoning officials.

Several representatives in this tight-knit community plan to speak out at the Monday board meeting. 

Any other schools that would also like to be represented during the public comments portion of the board meeting, sign up now!  Just send an email to: and include the school you would like to reference as well as the topic of your "issue" and how you have attempted to resolve it in the past.  You get three minutes and a lot of blank stares.  It's fun!

Remember - it was this time of year LAST YEAR that the 12 cell tower schools were selected by the school board's special committee headed by Steve Donahue of Plant Services.  He doesn't have an Engineering Degree or anything like that.  He is just a former principal who did some construction work to put himself through college.  He's the same one you can thank for the timely response your school likely gets when they put in a maintenance request or need a repair to something minor like the septic tank.

Don't forget ... if your school escaped without being selected for a cell tower during the first round draft picks of 2011, you might be a lucky winner THIS YEAR.  That means they could be talking about you RIGHT NOW!  We suggest that you become PROACTIVE and get in front of the board and let it be know for the public record that you persoanlly or collectively DO NOT WANT TO BE NEXT!  Show support for those who are on the list now and look out for your neighborhood now as YOU COULD BE NEXT!

MONDAY, December 5, 2011
6 p.m. SHARP
Administrative and Instructional Complex

J. David Williamson Board Room
1701 Mountain Industrial Blvd
Stone Mountain, GA 30083
You can also watch live:
Tune in to Comcast 24
And join in the live comments at:

Margaret Harris Comprehensive School
Speaking UP!  Joining GTCO-ATL in the countywide opposition!

and, if you have not done so already,
Sign the Countywide Protest Petition
to oppose cell towers for all schools in DeKalb County:
See the Margaret Harris newscast clips run on these local broadcast stations:
DeKalb School Watch:  More Residents Fighting Cell Towers

Unite Our County! 
Stop Corruption in its Tracks!

NO cell towers at ANY school!

IMPROPER or NO Notification is NOT OKAY!
Needless Exposure to RF Radiation is NOT OKAY!

Not in My Backyard?  You bet! 
Not in My Neighbor's Backyard, Either!

The convenience of wireless?  Not worth it!
The many risks associated with cell towers?  Too many!
The amount promised to the PTA?  Doesn't change how we feel!
The demand to be fairly represented by our elected officials?  Will not go away!
The chances we will lobby to vote you out!  Extremely Good!

T-mobile:  We're not ALL stupid Americans!  We know what you are up to and
we are still two steps ahead of you!  Back off.  Give up.  Or, prepare to spend a lot more money!

You can't buy us out.  You can't wait us out.  You might as well move on. 
Your friends at are waiting. 
Tell them hello from and take your webmaster with you, please.

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