Monday, March 18, 2013

Save Tucker From the Lakeside City Alliance

Just when you thought the school district in DeKalb County might be ready to embrace the changes brought on after years of corruption...

Just when you think you have seen and heard it all ...

Just when you thought your investment in your home might one day actually be worth something again...

Just when you thought DeKalb County might actually be united on the side of doing what's right for the children and stop the bickering, in-fighting and downright embarrassing national attention brought on by the SACS report, the removal of our own ineffective school board and the federal rights battle...

Just when you thought the dirty politics could be left at the tarnished golden dome downtown for a short while so you could just enjoy your family, your downtime or the brief glimpse of what saving accreditation for the sake of 99,000 students might feel like....

Along comes Lakeside....

You remember Lakeside, right?  Big, bad Lakeside.  With their lobbyists and big business partners, with their cell towers and their phony graduation rates, with their SPLOST lies and their bully behavior ... the ones that brought us H. Paul Womack, the board member who fired the principal because that's what the community wanted. The board member who brought the idea of cell phone towers at 12 schools because Lakeside's ATT customers were experiencing some issues with dropped calls.

You thought they would be happy to know that their golden boy had been defeated and replaced with mild mannered, younger and reasonably accountable for his actions Jim McMahan?  Well, actually, don't feel so badly because we were hoping the same thing.

But, then we heard about an idea being tossed around for a new city... called Lakeside City.  And they want to take a little bit of what everyone around them has to offer in exchange for who knows what kind of promises.  Behaving very much like the old school board, the alliance is making deal with secret partners, bragging about their expensive lifestyles and giving everyone a lesson in who's who among who cares.

All the while, they are getting a bill in front of the state legislature right now but telling everyone how slow they are taking things.  They want to control .... ZONING (towers), PARKS (towers) and PUBLIC SAFETY (towers).   And,  they plan to slice Tucker nearly through the middle to ensure it will never sustain the positive growth it has worked so hard to achieve over the past 130 years, but especially in the past 10 since it has seen a big resurgence in its downtown district.

So, interested in this never-ending tale of the spoiled rich grown ups who want to take your money and radiate your family?  Then, stay tuned ... the saga sadly will continue and these folks will not quit until they make sure we lose accreditation and continue to fight one another in court, on the streets, on the blogs ... anywhere they can to keep us from seeing the real harm being done and how they are getting away with diverting more and more tax dollars right into their own pockets, purses and electric walkers.

For more about the opposition to Lakeside City Alliance, visit the Facebook page for "Save Tucker From Lakeside City" and "like" it so you will get updates delivered to your own Profile page in Facebook.  Will the formation of Lakeside City affect you?  YES, if they are approved - your taxes will go up if you live in unincorporated DeKalb County. YES, if they are approved and you live inside their poorly planned city boundaries because they want you to move out so they can flip your home.  These folks are heavily tied into a lot more than "the good for the children."  

Follow the money.  But, don't follow too closely... you may end up in an offshore bank account somewhere and we would have to find a way to bring you back.

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