Two very important documents were just released per GTCO-ATL's Open Records Requests and our public comments at the recent Policy Committee meeting at which we directly spoke to Dr. Atkinson.
First, the long-awaited "Construction Timeline" for cell towers at DeKalb County Schools:
Cell Tower Construction Timeline, DCSD
The construction timeline is a document that was referenced in the contracts for property lease between the school system and T-mobile, yet our Open Records Requests for a copy of the timelines have been continuously ignored. After our third attempt, we decided to make one last try with an in-person appeal during the policy committee meeting.
But, a recently-signed contract shows that there is some intention in attempting to place a tower on their grounds after all. However, we are unsure how this new location will be used since there is another tower on the Briarcliff parking lot side of the school (see photo at right) which may or may not be functional. We will let you know what we find out about these two towers that are so close to Briarlkae Elementay, also slated for a tower.
Here is the copy of the Lakeside tower agreement / lease of land:
Lakeside Cell Tower Lease
Commentary will be posted in future articles on www.GETtheCELLoutATL.org and discussion will take place on our Facebook page. But, for now, we just wanted to get this urgent information out there to those who might be affected.
Margaret Harris Comprehensive School and Lakeside High School appear to be first on the list. Other schools are slated for 2013.
If you live near one of these schools, we urge you to consult an attorney about contract law as these towers will be much more difficult to take down once they are built, esp. if the state charter amendment passes and we see a surge of virtual charter schools. A true educational purpose will be met and could be justification for the school board to claim an exemption to zoning regulations. These regulations that were put in place by our Board of Commissioners to protect our health, safety and property values will essentially be ignored. A judge in a court of law is the only one who can determine if that can legally take place.
For specific questions, please contact an attorney, or email us at sayno2celltowers@yahoo.com if we can assist you in finding a qualified attorney to help you.
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