Lawmaker wants probe of EPA experiments on humans
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Published October 05, 2012
A powerful lawmaker is calling for Senate hearings following a lawsuit charging the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) conducted illegal human experiments, including some that exposed asthmatic patients to known carcinogens.
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Sen. James Inhofe, R-Okla., called it “extremely disturbing” that EPA scientists may have exposed people with conditions such as asthma and a syndrome that puts them at higher risk for heart disease and strokes to concentrated, high levels of substances like fine particulate matter and diesel exhaust. The allegations first surfaced after Steve Milloy, an author and publisher of, learned of the experiments through Freedom of Information Act requests. Milloy's subsequent report led to the lawsuit and now Inhofe's call for hearings.
"Indeed, the EPA may be criminally liable for its conduct.” - Sen. James Inhofe, R-Okla
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Milloy said records show tests conducted on 41 people exposed them to airborne particulates from diesel truck exhausts at levels 135 times the mean exposure in the United States, increasing their risk of immediate death by 10 percent.
“The law and the rules that the EPA has violated, they’re not just technical, trivial regulations they ran afoul of,” Milloy, who compared the research to the Tuskegee syphilis experiments and to those conducted in Nazi Germany, told “These are among the most sacrosanct federal regulations in that they are protecting human subjects in medical experiments.
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GTCO-ATL Commentary:
How this EPA Story Relates to Cell Phone Towers on School Grounds
Placing cell phone towers on the grounds where children play, right outside the window of the public classrooms where they learn for hours and hours each day is becoming an "only in America" phenomenon. And, we do not mean that in a good way. There are very few places other than the U.S. that profits when people get sick. There is no incentive for our government, run largely by the influence of the private sector big wigs, to ensure our safety. It's all relative to who can make how much and how important the issue is to their bottom line.
There is a lot of money to be made by the entire telecommunications industry if they can extend the reach of their wireless networks to 24/7 access to us in our homes. And now there is even a private education sector that wants its hands on our money and will go to great lengths to do that, including the "urging" of our local and state politicans to "persuade" them to push through legislation and policies or sign agreements that will help them get their leg in the door to our schools and our children. Education is just a product to them. A means to an end. And, cell towers are just a minor complication - something that needs a "workaround." Teachers are just expensive "necessary evils" or an obstacle to profit. Children are looked at as numbers or indicators toward success or failure toward the one and only goal: to profit.

In DeKalb County, like other parts of the U.S., cell phone towers were selected for schools with poor or disabled populations, or ones that serve minority or immigrant children. It's been said that the basically unregulated, out of control proliferation of towers and the consumer demand for phones and devices with more and more services at faster and faster speeds is fueling a massive human experiment like none other. But, is this an intentional experiment using our children as guinea pigs? If the EPA is guilty of using humans as experiment targets for research on one occassion, how do we know they are not doing that here?
Other countries that may have started out with this same practice of putting cell phone towers next to homes or schools have since reversed themselves and are actually removing towers voluntarily or by threat of legal action. In the cases of wi-fi service inside the classrooms, other countries including the UK, India, Germany and Canada are learning a painful and expenive lesson - electromagnetic hypersensitivity is a real condition that affects about 3% of any population. Children are no exception. With great effort to make their schools wireless, it took an eqaully great and expensive effort to convert them to fiber optics, the next best thing in terms of speed and data protection.
While it may look good on paper, wireless is not worth a child's health or risking their young life when we are already aware of the dangers and reported illnesses that occur after some individuals spend a significant portion of their day exposed to wireless signals.
Please consider the article above and consider whether or not you will address the matter of a transparent government with your board member or the public. There is much in the news today about our county and whenever a public official is asked about cutbacks or downfalls in the quality education of our children, it is blamed on the economy. Yet, "the economy" does not appear to be hurting any of them and WE are the ones paying their salaries.
So, unless things change, we cannot justify voting for anything just because "they" (state and local politicians) want us to. In fact, we plan to do the exact opposite. Let these folks who are running our county into the ground feel the pain of a reduction in their budget. Let them learn that they are expected to do the people's work, not the work of big business seeking to take advantage of all Americans, and certainally not when the EPA cannot be trusted to make clear decisions in matters involving the health of our children, loved ones and ourselves.
Don't Give Up Your Local Control
VOTE NO to the local bill on a new way of approving charter schools in DeKalb. This bill is not about charter schools. It is about giving over our local control to determine our own future to an appointed board with a political bias. This bill has a hidden agenda to funnel your tax dollars out of the state of Georgia and into the business of providing online education.
And, contact your state representatives to tell them you support The Cell Phone Right to Know Act (H.R. 6358) introduced by Democratic Congressman Dennis Kucinich on the national level. It calls for warning labels on cell phones that clearly shows the amount of radiation the device emits. It also seeks to change the portion of the FCC Telecommunications Act of 1996 that will not allow health or envirnomental factors to be determining factors for denial of a tower by a local zoning or planning authority.
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