Thursday, July 21, 2016

U.S. True "Causitive" Study Links RF and Cancer

GTCO-ATL followers:  Ever wonder if you supported the right side in the debate over whether DeKalb County should take money to place cell phone towers next to young children on their own public school campuses, in the middle of their  neighborhoods?  Well, if so, you can rest assured that you did the right thing by speaking up for the children in our county and now science is on your side, too.  The more research being done on this subject, the more science is siding with you.  And this time, the study was conducted to the top level of controls, with plenty of funds to cover the expenses and it was done in the U.S.   Here is how things worked out....

Major Cell Phone Radiation Study Reignites Cancer Questions

Exposure to radio-frequency radiation linked to tumor formation in rats
  • By Dina Fine Maron on May 27, 2016

Credit: Photo by Christopher Furlong/Getty Images

Federal scientists released partial findings Friday from a $25-million animal study that tested the possibility of links between cancer and chronic exposure to the type of radiation emitted from cell phones and wireless devices. The findings, which chronicle an unprecedented number of rodents subjected to a lifetime of electromagnetic radiation starting in utero, present some of the strongest evidence to date that such exposure is associated with the formation of rare cancers in at least two cell types in the brains and hearts of rats. The results, which were posted on a prepublication Web site run by Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, are poised to reignite controversy about how such everyday exposure might affect human health.

Researchers at the National Toxicology Program (NTP), a federal interagency group under the National Institutes of Health, led the study. They chronically exposed rodents to carefully calibrated radio-frequency (RF) radiation levels designed to roughly emulate what humans with heavy cell phone use or exposure could theoretically experience in their daily lives. The animals were placed in specially built chambers that dosed their whole bodies with varying amounts and types of this radiation for approximately nine hours per day throughout their two-year life spans. “This is by far—far and away—the most carefully done cell phone bioassay, a biological assessment. This is a classic study that is done for trying to understand cancers in humans,” says Christopher Portier, a retired head of the NTP who helped launch the study and still sometimes works for the federal government as a consultant scientist. “There will have to be a lot of work after this to assess if it causes problems in humans, but the fact that you can do it in rats will be a big issue. It actually has me concerned, and I’m an expert.”

More than 90 percent of American adults use cell phones. Relatively little is known about their safety, however, because current exposure guidelines are based largely on knowledge about acute injury from thermal effects, not long-term, low-level exposure. The International Agency for Research on Cancer in 2011 classified RF radiation as a possible human carcinogen. But data from human studies has been “inconsistent,” the NTP has said on its website. Such studies are also hampered by the realities of testing in humans, such as recall bias—meaning cancer patients have to try to remember their cell phone use from years before, and how they held their handsets. Those data gaps prompted the NTP to engage in planning these new animal studies back in 2009.

The researchers found that as the thousands of rats in the new study were exposed to greater intensities of RF radiation, more of them developed rare forms of brain and heart cancer that could not be easily explained away, exhibiting a direct doseresponse relationship. Overall, the incidence of these rare tumors was still relatively low, which would be expected with rare tumors in general, but the incidence grew with greater levels of exposure to the radiation. Some of the rats had glioma—a tumor of the glial cells in the brain—or schwannoma of the heart. Furthering concern about the findings: In prior epidemiological studies of humans and cell phone exposure, both types of tumors have also cropped up as associations.

In contrast, none of the control rats—those not exposed to the radiation—developed such tumors. But complicating matters was the fact that the findings were mixed across sexes: More such lesions were found in male rats than in female rats. The tumors in the male rats “are considered likely the result of whole-body exposure” to this radiation, the study authors wrote. And the data suggests the relationship was strongest between the RF exposure and the lesions in the heart, rather than the brain: Cardiac schwannomas were observed in male rats at all exposed groups, the authors note. But no “biologically significant effects were observed in the brain or heart of female rats regardless of modulation.” Based on these findings, Portier said that this is not just an associated finding—but that the relationship between radiation exposure and cancer is clear. “I would call it a causative study, absolutely. They controlled everything in the study. It’s [the cancer] because of the exposure.”

Read the full article here.

Thursday, June 2, 2016

TURNING POINT: U.S. National Toxicology Program (NTP) Links Cellphone Radiation and Cancer

Media Coverage and Analysis of Recent Cellphone Study Released on Friday, May 27, 2016

As the Center for Safer Wireless announced on Friday morning, May 27, the U.S. National Toxicology Program (NTP) was expected to report to the public on its $25 million completed study which showed statistically significant increases in cancer among rats that had been exposed to GSM or CDMA signals for two-years. Thankfully, because of Microwave News' excellent reporting, portions of the study's findings were announced sooner than were originally expected. To the wireless industries benefit, it came right before the Memorial Day weekend when people were focused on the holiday.

Despite the quick turnaround, the wireless industry had time to strategize and notify the media with their points and position. As usual, the strategy is to create doubt, question the study and call for more research. The wireless industry uses the same playbook as the tobacco industry implemented years ago because it works. It's quite evident in the following headlines and reporting.

Better coverage and headlines are at:

 "There are arguments in the literature now that we are at the beginning of an epidemic of cancers," Chris Portier, former associate director of the NTP, told Mother Jones.

Ron Melnick, a former National Toxicology Program researcher who worked on early stages of the study before his retirement, told the Wall Street Journal: 'Where people were saying there's no riskI think this ends that kind of statement.'

Louis Slesin of Microwave News believes that the cell phone controversy will never be the same again because the study contradicts conventional wisdom that such health effects are impossible.

David Carpenter is director of the Institute for Health and the Environment at the University of Albany and on the Medical Advisory Board of the Center for Safer Wireless. "This is a game changer, there is no question," he said. "It confirms what we have been seeing for many years - though now we have evidence in animals as well as in humans." Carpenter went on to add, "The NTP has the credibility of the federal government. It will be very difficult for the naysayers to deny the association any longer."

"Such positive results ... suggest that human health might be in some danger," Dariusz Leszczynski, a Finnish researcher who focuses on radiation and health said in an email. "The human health risk might not only be possible but it might rather be probable."

Joel Moscowitz, Ph.D., Director, Center for Family and Community Health at University of California, Berkeley offered research to indicate health effects from cell phones in the op/ed section of the Wall Street journal on Sunday,  May 23. According to Dr. Moscowitz "The NTP report did not assess the overall risk of tumors for both types of tumors studied. By my calculation, thirty of 540 (5.5%), or one in 18 male rats exposed to cell phone radiation developed cancer.  In addition, 16 pre-cancerous hyperplasias were diagnosed. Thus, 46 of 540, or one in 12 male rats exposed to cell phone radiation developed cancer or a pre-cancerous lesion........ Though not statistically significant one in 33 female rats exposed to cell phone radiation developed cancer or a pre-cancerous lesion.  No cancers were found in 90 male and 90 female rats in the unexposed control group."
The Center for Safer Wireless believes the NTP study offers more credible evidence that products emitting pulsed radiofrequency radiation can cause health effects. We think everyone should take precautions when using wireless devices such as cellphones, iPads, tablets, laptops, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth etc. 

Desiree Jaworski
Executive Director

Sunday, February 21, 2016

Were Wi-Fi Standards Updated in 2013 or 20 Years Ago?

ROCKVILLE — A few parents at a Montgomery County Public Schools Board of Education meeting said they worried that wireless computers and devices with wireless Internet was gradually impeding the health of students.

Read some excerpts from the article.. "David Carpenter is a former county resident and a general physician who served on committees with scientists who performed research about the effects of radio frequency radiation.

He wrote a letter to members of MCPS management in November encouraging them not to have the school system connected to the Internet wirelessly. Carpenter also is the director of the Institute for Health and the Environment at the University at Albany.

“It’s appropriate that every child have access to the Internet, but the problem is when it’s wireless access to the Internet, there is exposure to radio frequencies,” said Carpenter.

MCPS spokesperson Derek Turner said MCPS follows guidelines set by the Federal Communications Commission. One of the repeated concerns of parents who testified at the meeting and said the standard was 20 years old.  Turner said the guideline had been updated in 2013. "

So were the guidelines updated in 2013 or 20 years ago? That is the question.  Read more at

Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Words of the Wise: Citizens Speak Out Against Cell Towers at Schools.

For a historical look back at the fight to keep cell towers off school grounds in DeKalb County, you can view some of the school board meetings that saw parents and community members speak to their concerns and their plans to take the fight as far as they needed to in order to get the school board to reverse its decision.

Starting with this meeting, February 13, 2012: 

Start at the 40:40 mark for speaker Rudy Evanson (above) and Richard Marion (below).