Take a look at this first picture.
It shows parts of DeKalb that said "yes" to the cell towers*
(click headline for full details)
Here's a graphical look at the very few voting precints that indicated (only by a very small margin*) that they were slightly in favor of placing cell towers on school grounds. The two sections indicated in the chart below are comprised of:
1.) Dunwoody - a.k.a. "Dunwood Dun't Know About It"
Including, as indicated below in top section, from top to bottom:
(first column) Austin 52%; Dunwoody Library 53%, Dunwoody 55%, Georgetown 51%, Kittredge 51%, Silver Lake 51%, (second column) Mt. Vernon, 57%, Kingsley 53%, Winters 55%, and Tilly Mill 52%.
2.) Lakeside - a.k.a. "Corruption Cooridor"
Including, as indicated in second section, from left:
Briarvista 53%, Lavista 52%, Oak Grove 52%, Lakeside 51%, Henderson Mill 51%, Warren Tech 51%, Embry Hills 51%
* by only a slight margin of 51 - 57% in favor
Overall, DeKalb residents voted 62% against the towers!
Now, let's look at the locations that
are still on the school system's list
to receive an unsightly 150' cell tower,
against their will.
against their will.
And here is the same map, but with the locations of the cell towers and other relevent indicators circled for comparison purposes. Notice how the cell tower locations, if connected would form a circle around the perimeter of DeKalb County, minus the areas that voted yes for them. Notice the inside vs. outside the perimeter placement of the towers (in orange).
Note: there is only one circled tower potential site that is located in a red zone, which is an indicator that they voted in favor of the towers. This location is also the only school to NOT have a contract signed with the school district as far as our Open Records requests can asertain. They are also one of two schools located extremely close to the home of board member, Paul Womack, who brought this whole cell tower idea to a vote in the first place before the current superintendent was hired. He insisted it was for the coverage, not the money.
So, how's your cell reception, Lakeside? Was it worth all of this? Are you proud of what you have done to the unsuspecting communities around you? Do you still hold yourself up as a model district for others to strive to emulate? How did your booster club reach it's million and a half dollar goal? Are we really meant to believe that your sudden windfall had nothing to do with your alliance with ATT or T-mobile? How many others must you sell out this way in an effort to feign appearances so that your image, and not your conscience, will match the hype of your Realtors?
(click maps to enlarge or print)
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