Oct. 20, 2012
by crossbones
Crossroads News, DeKalb County, GA
Here is how I see it: The DeKalb County School Board remains in place because a couple of the board members portray the role of bafoons, but are actually quite the opposite. While I hate to complement them, they are actually pretty intelligent. So much so that they have hatched a long-term plan with their constituents (who are not us). The plan is to run the system into the ground thereby the only alternative will seem to be to throw in the towel and run to anyone who can stand up for us poor, voiceless citizens. Sorry to say it, but we are, so far, doing exactly what they want us to do.
Turn things over to the state? Great idea. That way these thieves can sit on their thrones and collect half the money each child is worth per year. The state-run charter schools (the controversial subject of Amendment 1 on your ballot Nov. 6) can then collect the other half if all goes their way. Why would anyone suddenly think "the state" cares about the education of our children? If they did, someone would have stepped in by now and done something to punish these criminals and said "enough is enough." "We hear you, you are right. The 52% graduation rate is bad. Plummeting property values do not help our economy. People don't want to move here. We look like the Beverly Hillbillies here."
There are many parents and taxpayers who have written letters for several years. Nothing has been done. Why? Because it is a plan! What has changed?? Why now?? Because the piece are all falling into place. The cell towers are arriving, like them or not. Computers, tablets and other devices meant to evoke the image of a technologically advanced system have already arrived and are being stockpiled. Teachers are already getting fired or quitting. Bus drivers are being paid less and less. Citizens are about to unleash their frustrations upon each other instead of focusing on the true source of the downfall of the once great DeKalb School system.
Then comes ALEC, the American Legislative Exchange Council. This is the group that was responsible for the Trevon Martin, Stand Your Ground legislation, remember? The folks who practically legalized murder also want to take control of the education of our children. Nice, huh?
If you haven't heard of them, I encourage you to do some research before you vote in November. You can read many of their "model bills" here: www.alecexposed.org.
Here's the deal with state commission-run charter schools - approved by a commission to be appointed, not elected. So, if they screw up there is no way to even get rid of them. If they approve a whole slew of virtual school options, and miles more cell towers to come along with them, there will not be a way to stop them. The money will go out the window as the amendment also lets the state "consolidate" school districts.
So, a virtual school in Gwinett County, for example, can pull kids out of DeKalb and take those education dollars with them. That's our tax dollars going right into the pockets of for-profit companies wanting to cash in on the need we have for better education right here in our own communities. Do you think any of them will want to open a charter in the poor parts of the county to truly help the children who need it most?
If you know someone who might say "yes" to that, then by all means, please tell them to go right ahead! Start a charter school! There are no laws stopping them. And if they are denied, they can appeal to the state board of education. If they are denied on appeal, they will find out why and will have a chance to fix whatever it is that the local board does not agree with and then they can re-apply.

If you are against the idea of virtual schools replacing the need for teachers, bus drivers and quality education, do yourself and your neighbors a favor and get out there and vote on Nov. 6 or during the early voting times.
Vote NO to the charter amendment. It is not about the kids at all. It is about taking money away from us and returning empty promises. And last time I checked, you can't get very far in life on that!
Read more: CrossRoadsNews - entry The Scary Truth Behind the Charter School Amendment
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