Friday, October 12, 2012

Get the Cell Out - Atlanta Receives Attaboy From U.S. Congressman

Just fielded a phone call from the office of our U.S. Congressman Hank Johnson (D - Georgia).  He has been concerned about DeKalb County and the issue with our school board and the cell phone towers.  He said he appreciates the long road we have all been down because of this issue and is glad to know that it has led to greater interest in government and advocacy for the children.  He is going to review our website as well  as the bill we asked him about - The Cell Phone Right to Know Act.

Unfortunately, he informed us that the Congressman who wrote that bill did not get re-elected, so if it is not picked up by someone else, it may die in committee.  Of course, we are hopeful that he will review it and decide that HE needs to be the one to move it forward.  But, without bipartisan support it will likely not get much further than the circular file, like most bills the Democrats try to introduce these days.

We passed along our thanks for the bravery Congressman Johnson showed by calling out ALEC on the floor of the House.  In case you missed it, we'll put the clip here for you to watch again.  What does this have to do with cell towers?

The cell towers are needed for the online, wireless initiative which is the beating drum behind all members of ALEC right now.  Remember SPLOST IV?  Well if you voted "yes" then you have already approved the plan.  You also will soon be helping T-Mobile establish a "need" for their big, dangerous, radiation-emitting towers to go right next to children who are in school for hours a day, every day.  And that same beat is behind the charter school bill, state authorization board, which will be coming to a ballot near you in November.

A state authorized charter school is one that can be opened even if it does not comply with the rules your local board has put in place to protect your investment   A state charter can open without windows or doors.  And, if we give away the power to vote to some unknown appointed board, will our local schools be any better off?  Will education improve?  What is the up-side to giving away the right to vote for the right to be controlled by an appointed board with very deep-seeded ties to ALEC and the attempt to take money away from our children and deposit it right into their own pockets.

Don't believe anything else but this:  ALEC is behind the charter bill.  Not the parents.  Not the teachers.  They cannot be planning to help us when they do not even want us to see what they are doing.  Deception at the beginning of a long-term relationship cannot possibly end well.

Tell ALEC it's over!  We're through!  We're Breaking Up!  We are Voting No - Not to Charters but to a group of politicians and business executives who cannot see the trees for the forest!  The one where they think money trees are in full bloom!

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