Most everyone has an idea about what the top of a cell tower looks like by now... but have you ever wondered what's at the bottom? If you think it is similar to an electric or telephone pole that just sticks straight into the ground, you would be incorrect. The base of a cell tower may actually be more dangerous than what's at the top!
Although the top emits radiation, at least it is generally 150' above ground or higher. But, since your child may soon be playing on a playground right next to a cell tower base in DeKalb County, you might want to get familiar with the dangers that will exist so you can warn your child not to go near it and never, ever cross the fenced in area or attempt to climb a cell tower! Here's a look at some base stations at ATT and T-mobile towers that are operational in our county today.
A parent who is actively fighting cell towers in Maryland via the Parents Coalition of Montgomery County,, had this advice to offer to us here in DeKalb County:
6:32pm on Tuesday, June 21, 2011
It doesn't seem that the people in this community really understands what a cell tower on school property means. It means a commercial entity on public school land. It means 24/7 access by company workers. It means the placement of a HAZMAT (hazardous materials) site on playgrounds. It means trucks driving over school grounds (can mess up football fields, playgrounds, trucks arrive DURING recess) and it means maintenance of the grounds issues as the compound becomes overgrown.
Cell tower and stranger danger:
Summary: There are some facts you as community members, parents and tax payers need to know about.
While you read these facts, consider the following questions:
* What benefit is it doing to our children?
* What benefit does it bring to our community?
* Why are other schools benefiting from the cell tower in our backyard?
* How is this tower helping the value of our homes?
* When did a public school become a profit generating business?
1. Towers bring very little money into the school system and even less, if any, will be spent at the school that's assuming this huge 30-year risk. For example, if MLK, Jr. High School in Lithonia, GA, with approximately 1833 students (according to, were to actually be allowed to keep all the money from their tower so it could be spent at their school, it would be the equivelent to less than $5.00 per student per year! Did anyone think to ask the parents if they would like to contribute $20 per year per child so that the school board would NOT place a cell tower nearby?
2. The cell tower funds the school receives are not appropriated by county and are separate from the general fund. It ends up being essentially nothing more than a slush fund that can be utilized, and not be penalized, as the school board wishes.
4. The schools with the towers believed they would get 25K per PTA. They have since learned the money all goes to the general fund and they will then be able to "direct" the spending of $25,000 in the first year. After that, all money goes straight to the general fund. Why are all schools able to benefit from a huge health and safety issue being forced upon only a few?
5. T-mobile wants to add up to three additional devices per tower, once they are operational. This increases the radiation exposure and nothing in the contract states what would be in it for the schools with the towers.
6. T-mobile and frequently visits the cell tower site and as it has happened at other schools, they do not check in or check out.
7. The DCSS did not include anything in the T-mobile contract that would require the employees or subcontractors of T-mobile to have background checks. If you have a child in a trailor or at recess when these people are inspecting the towers, this is a major concern.
8. The driveway and eavesments have been known to create an eyesore for the school and the community.
We as parents and tax payers need to demand that the money being brought into our school is used appropriately. If you are a member of the PTA at your school, it is recommended that your PTA take a vote about whether or not to allow the extra devices to be co-located on your tower and whether or not the school should enforce the check-in policy that exists for volunteers or anyone else coming onto school property. You can then deliver that message to your principal and school council member and ask that it be brought to the attention of your board member.
Look at the dirt road created by all the truck traffic to the cell tower on the playground at this elementary school:
Read about the HAZMAT issue and T-Mobile response to comply with county law:
Here is what the base of the cell tower looks like at one school:
Maintenance of site:
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