Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Wi-Fi and Your Child’s Health:


Get the Cell Out - Atlanta Chapter

Wi-Fi and Your Child’s Health:
What DeKalb Parents Should Know

DEKALB COUNTY, GA: Tuesday, October 18, 2011: As the vote for E-SPLOST IV

approaches, there is one item on the wish list submitted by the DeKalb County School

Board that has parents taking a closer look at how their children’s health might be

affected. The issue is Wi-Fi in the classroom and there is significant evidence from its

implementation in other school districts that this technology may bring more harm than

good to our classrooms.

“Wi-Fi systems emit the same form of radiation as cell towers,” says Cheryl

Miller, co-founder and President of a countywide non-profit group Get the Cell Out -

Atlanta Chapter. She says that school boards can no longer assume wi-fi is safe after

the World Health Organization has called the low level radiation exposure a possible

human carcinogen listed in the same category as DEET insecticide and lead-based paint.

Microwave exposure is linked to infertility, erratic heart rates, learning impairment,

behavioral changes, leukemia and cancer, especially in children.

Across the globe, schools are starting to plug back in after students started

reporting various symptoms that could only be explained by the introduction of wireless

technology into their classrooms.

According to the Center for Safer Wireless, children in schools with wi-fi

technology have reported the following symptoms:

* Headaches (3-5X per week, that require medicine)
* Dizziness - Nausea - Vertigo (gone after student leaves the school)
* Visual and Auditory Distortion
* Racing Heart Rate (Tachycardia)
* Memory Loss (difficulty remembering school information)
* Attention Deficit (difficulty concentrating while in class)
* Skin Rash (mostly lower leg, goes away on weekends or longer breaks)
* Hyperactivity (appears mostly among children not previously hyperactive)
* Night Sweats (unexplainable, unrelated to fever, and lasting several nights)
* Insomnia (restless sleep)

In France and the U.K., wi-fi systems are being dismantled and banned from

primary schools. Germany has issued a country-wide warning to all of its citizens about

the dangers of wi-fi.

Miller states that the cell tower issue is not a fight about technology. “The

response the school board is getting from the schools affected by the cell tower vote is

that it is not okay to ignore the concerns of the districts they serve,” she said. “By not

following their own rules that call for public forums to gain community input before

making a decision, they are sending a message to the parents and taxpayers that they do

not care. That is not acceptable.”

Miller states her group advocates using the power of the vote to let school board

leaders know they will be held accountable by the people they were elected to serve.

“This is not the way to run an efficient school system,” she says. “We have been

left with no other option than to open our eyes to what is going on countywide and stop

being the enabler in this dysfunctional relationship.

Vote No and make them roll up their sleeves and really do their jobs. If they find

money is the only problem that has not been fixed, they will come back to us in a few

months with a cleaned up proposal that is fully justified and contains needs, not fluff.”

For more information about the cell tower issue as well as concerns about wi-fi in

schools, visit the official website for Get the Cell Out - Atlanta Chapter, or send an email to



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