Thursday, October 27, 2011

Cell Towers on School Grounds: 5 Medical Reasons for Concern

By Viola Davis, RN BSN
(click headline for the full story)
“The first rule of medicine is ‘First, do no Harm.’ Wise words no matter what the profession.”

-- By Brian A. Kuzik MD, MSc, FRCP

Concern 1: Independent research shows an increase in brain tumors – malignant glioma.

Concern 2: Consistent Epidemiologic evidence of an association between childhood leukemia and exposure to extremely low frequency (ELF) magnetic fields has led to their classification by the International Agency for Research on Cancer as a “possible human carcinogen.”

Concern 3: Children are in particular danger from these emissions as their head sizes are smaller, their skulls are thinner and their bodies are still growing. A study is underway that will further evaluate the effects of cell phones on children. It can be reviewed at: (results due in 2013)

Concern 4: Those who live near cell phone towers are exposed to radiofrequency radiation 24 hours a day. During that time there are higher and lower exposure levels. General symptoms include headaches, fatigue, concentration problems, dizziness, insomnia, depression, appetite loss, skin rashes, and discomfort.

Concern 5: Cell phone radiation damages DNA, an undisputed cause of cancer and male fertility is damaged by cell phone radiation. For medical research articles visit

Any financial gain DeKalb County School System hopes to receive in return for the cell tower lease would clearly not be worth risking the lives and health of our children and community. If cell phones are now rated as “possible human carcinogen,” then we need to be concerned about cell phone towers.

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