Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Why is Georgia so Behind the Times?

It is frustrating to those of us who are concerned about the DeKalb County School Board's July, 2011 decision to put cell towers at 9 schools (5 elementary, 2 high school, 1 comprehensive school for children with disabilities) to have to constantly debate the issue of health and safety with people who just refuse to believe there could be valid concerns being rasied.

What adds to our frustration is reading news headlines like this one:
REP. FLOREN VOTES TO REQUIRE STATE TO CONSIDER SCHOOLS WHEN SITING CELL TOWERS (HARTFORD). At first it appears we have support for our cause in other states, as the debate is going on all over our country and the globe. Then, we notice this part: April 27th, 2010. Yes, that's right, 2010.

There was legislation introduced in Hartford, CT, in April of 2010 to make sure cell towers could not be sited within 750 feet of a school unless the Siting Council finds that there are no economically feasible alternative sites within the municipality. And the bill passed the House of Representatives unamimously 139-0.

“This cell tower language seeks to put added focus on the safety of children, students, and adults who work in schools first when siting cell towers in the vicinity of these venues,” said Rep. Camillo, a member of the Environment Committee.

So, if we can find news like this online with a simple Google search, why is our school board claiming to have no knowledge about the dangers associated with cell towers and the need to keep them at a safe distance from schools? Why want to make sure we work together for a better DeKalb and reduce our current trends toward over-taxation and increased poverty with declining test scores and high drop-out rates.

Shouldn't we all be on the same side?

(Reprinted in part. See http://repfloren.com/?p=187 for more details and video. Original by: jdooley Wednesday, April 28th, 2010)

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