Sunday, November 4, 2012

ALEC's Next Generation Charter Schools Act Exposed

This is what Amendment One in Georgia is all about. Please read and join those of us who are informed so you can vote NO on Nov. 6.

It is not about charter schools. We already have them. It is not about an appeals process. We already have that, too. It is about money and a battle for your child's mind. If you do not trust the people who practically legalized murder with the "Stand Your Ground" laws, then why trust them to educate our future generation?

The state of Georgia continues to rob our schools of funding, removing $100 million a year from DeKalb to redistribute to other school districts. Now they want to remove even MORE money while telling parents their kids will be better served by staying home, attending school online with teachers from out of state who are underpaid and overworked and bringing lawsuits against their corrupt employers.

Don't let Georgia become the next state to make this costly mistake! Just because the Amendment says "charter" does not mean it is for the good of the children. And, just because our current school board has failed us, doesn't mean we can't work together to elect more responsible people in 2014.

Amendment One will remove your right to elect the people making decisions about schools by granting the Governor the right to appoint a council to approve charter schools even when our local board is against the idea.

A commission was formed and then found to be unconstitutional, but their track record speaks for itself. They approved schools that may be functioning well today, but only because they had to modify their charters to comply with the law after the commission was deemed unconstitutional by the Georgia Supreme Court. The commission was approving schools that discriminate against students, limit their allowable attendance zone and turn away students that do not fit their model. That's not the spirit in which charters were founded and will not help children who are in the greatest need. The commission was approving a re-segregation plan for Georgia, based on sex, economic class, and whether or not the children have physical or mental limitations.

If you do not want your tax dollars to go toward a plan that will help other people's zip codes while bringing harm to the rest of the county, please vote NO on Nov. 6 or during the early voting period taking place right now!

Thank you!

2D4-Next Generation Charter Schools Act Exposed

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