Thursday, August 2, 2012

"True Yes" voters may be fewer than 10%

Subtract industry workers and the uniformed.  Subtract those who do not own a home or have a child in the system.  Subtract those who do not live near a school themselves.  GTCO-ATL estimates only about 10% of the yes vote is a "true yes."  Whereas every No vote is a strong message to T-mobile to BACK OUT of the contract they have with our schools.

So, if you are like us at GTCO-ATL, you might be wondering ... who said YES?  We will be getting more into this subject later as the detailed results are made available, but here are just a few thoughts we have right now about the "true yes" voters out there... and there aren't many of them!

When you subtract the percentage of people who work for the telecomm industry, profit from corruption in the school system, or have close friends or family tied to either of these industries, the total Yes vote would likely be cut in half to only 20%. 

When you subtract the number of people who are completey unaware and uninformed on this subject, the true "yes" vote would be reduced ever further. GTCO-ATL estimates that a 10% "true yes" is the likely percentage of those in our county who would actually be okay with a cell tower at a school. 

And, of those "true yes" votes, a large portion would likely be people who do not own their own home, have children in the school system, or live near a school themselves. 

It's clear from the vote on July 31, practically NO ONE truly would welcome a cell tower near their home, their school and would not want to place that burden on anyone else in the county, either.  Great job, DeKalb County! 

T-mobile has said they will not put up towers in areas where they are not wanted.  So, if they try to come to your neighborhood next, you are now armed with valid information to fight against them.  So, when will T-mobile exercise its "out clause" and leave our schools and our residential areas alone?  The ball is in their court!

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