Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Denise McGill for District #6 - first DeKalb School Board Canidate to Take Hard Stance Against Cell Towers on School Grounds!

When reading and commenting on the DeKalb School Watch Blog Two, we learned that one of the canidates, Denise McGill, running for District #6 (Tom Bowen's District) was employed by Verizon and our warning bells went off! 

Here's the lowdown...

DeKalb School Board District #6 Canidate Denise McGill,
We've been told by advisors from other states battling cell towers that we need to be on the lookout for the telecomm industry to try and infiltrate our PTAs, Parent Councils and even our school board.  They find out where their own employees live and then encourage them to run for the various offices in the school system.  Once they are in, the companies will pressure the employees to try to further the corporate objectives even if they are contrary to their own personal opinions or contrary to what is actually good for the school or the community.  These objectives can include the use of public funds, gaining of tax breaks and leasing or acquiring our public schools, parks and other land. 

And, we heard from board member Jesse Cunningham during his meeting at Martin Luther King, Jr. High School, found here, that Verizon may be coming to our schools next, right on the heels of all our protesting against the T-Mobile cell towers.

So, we replied to the DeKalb School Watch Blog article, titled "Time is Running Out," with some pretty tough questions for Denise McGill.  Our line of questions is posted below.  And, much to our surprise (and relief), Ms. McGill responded with some very strong words of her own that we absolutely applaud her for.  She sounds to us like a very qualified, committed and responsible parent who really understands why we, and so many others just like us, have the concerns and objections that we do to placing cell towers on school grounds. 

Here is the line of questioning from us:
getthecelloutatl says:
Since you have done such great work for Verizon Wireless, can you please tell us why there is no cell service at Lakeside High School with 130+ cell towers in a four mile radius of the school? This is the claim of our current board and has resulted in 8 schools being on the list to receive cell towers (Lakeside not being one of them) in an attempt to improve their “coverage.”

What are your thoughts about cell towers on school grounds knowing what you likely do about the link between RF radiation and multiple health issues ranging from insomnia to cancer, with children being the most vulnerable group?

Will you be in support of Verizon if they follow the lead of T-mobile (ATT) and want to lease our school property without proper public notifcation or without going through the proper zoning regulations of our county?

Are you still employed by Verizon? Will you continue to hold this position if you are elected to the board? If so, will you admit to the conflict of interest and remove yourself from any vote that involves spending our tax dollars on technology as you may be unfairly pressured to vote according to the way that would best help your company and not our children?
And he is the response from Ms. McGill:


I worked for MCI who became Verizon Business. Verizon Business (not Verizon Wireless) developed networks and IT solutions for major corporations as well as provided networking, security business and IT, advanced communications. I have no understanding of Verizon Wireless, nor did I work in a capacity that facilitated anything to do with their wireless services. I have not worked for Verizon Business since April 2009. The last three years of my life have been focused on Youth Advocacy, and Volunteerism. After 26 years, surviving multiple mergers, watching countless friends walk out the door- and the stress of not knowing when your turn was coming- I was relieved, and when given the opportunity, I re-evaluated my life. I wanted a change from Corporate, and worked diligently towards focusing my efforts on what makes me happy- which is community service. I am grateful to have a husband who has allowed me to pursue my passion which is serving my community and its children.

Before I answer your question let me preface it by saying this to you…

I am a parent of a child who was born with an extremely rare life altering medical condition. My child was not to live for 24 hours let alone be six months away from being 20 years old… She lives with this condition everyday and we live in fear EVERYDAY. One thing that we are guaranteed- is that we know without a doubt that we are going to be in someone’s hospital for a minimum total two weeks within a 12 month time span. It’s a given-
I know what it is like to live in hospitals, and to fear for your child.


So to answer your question- NO, I am not a supporter of cell towers ANYWHERE in a general population of people. They need to be as far away from people as possible
Cell phone towers have no place near any school grounds- nor do they have any place in heavily populated area’s. We are all wise enough to know that the effects of allowing this have unlimited consequences. We have seen what radiation does over periods of time. Who knows what else might come with the erection of these towers? The damage might be years out- but we know that with it, damage will come.

Who wants to have on their conscious that your decision allowed life altering long term unknown effects on generations of individuals? I don’t know about you, but that is not on my agenda of things that I want to do while on earth.

I personally do not want that on my conscious, nor do I want ANY parent to go through the agony of watching a child suffer. Why would I want to purposely put someone else through that torment when I know what its like to watch this on a personal basis?

With that said getthecellout-
I don’t have a conflict of interest here- but if I did, yes, I would remove myself from any vote that I could not be impartial. I do have a conscious, and I could NOT in good conscious approve something that I know might put someone’s child in a scenario which would be life altering in any way shape or form. Anyone who could do it for money simply does not have a clear understanding of the long term effects- if they can live with it so be it- that however would not be me.

If you look on my website:, read about me, and feel free to look at my resume.

Good Job, Denise McGill, and you have earned the Get the Cell Out - ATL "seal of approval" for a canidate we recommend to the voters in School District #6!

To our GTCO-ATL followers:  If you are like us, and you are concerned about the possibility of the school board placing more cell towers on our school grounds and, consequently, in our backyards, playgrounds and residential neigbhorhoods, please research the canidates up for re-election on July 31!

your school board member
is up for re-election!

Get your friends and neighbors to show up and vote this year!  The low voter turnout in November is what resulted in the SPLOST IV continuation.  If you cannot afford to continue throwing your money out the window so that those in governement can spend it on attorneys, jobs for their friends and family and not do anything to improve our education system and home values, then please do something about it this year - VOTE!

Make sure you vote for a canidate, like Denise McGill, who is willing to take a stand now as being someone who will absolutely never approve a cell tower as an alternative funding source.

And, please remember to vote NO to the telecommunications tower question on the ballot that asks if you think the schools should consider them for our schools.


 "Should the local or independent school system of DeKalb County or a charter school in DeKalb County place or operate a telecommunications tower on any elementary, middle, or high school property?"


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