Friday, May 18, 2012

"Cell Tower Delivery Here! Where Would You Like It?"

"Uh, Who Here Can Sign for This Thing, Anway?"

Cell Towers will likely be sprouting up around DeKalb County in the next few days and weeks, so keep your eyes peeled.  If you wish to provide "public comment" regarding any of the potential locations (or any of the suspicious-looking new locations that are popping up out of nowhere), you will need to contact the CEO Burrell Ellis, the Director of Public Works and the Director of Planning & Sustainability as quickly as possible. 

When the last school bell rings on this school year, consider that the foreman's whistle for the cell tower contractors.  Fred and Barry will be hard at work, likely at odd hours and in unmarked vehicles appearing to be putting up shopping centers or custom homes. But, make no mistake... you can't hide anything that is 60' wide x 60' long and extends 150' or higher, above the trees and casting a huge shadow over what WAS the greenest county in America.   Or, at least you can't hide it for long.

Wondering who in the school communities actually  "signed" for these cell towers?  We asked for the sign-in sheets for each of the 12 public meetings that were held last May.  DeKalb County School Board Spokesman Walter Woods supplied us with 10 of them.  Here they are:


Woods stated in his email that the missing two schools are Margaret J. Harris Comprehensive School and Martin Luther King, Jr. High School.  Ironically these two school communities became very vocal in their opposition to the cell towers once they learned about them.  So, if the community is against it and no one from the school showed up to voice an opinion one way or the other, then remind me again why they are still going to end up with a cell tower on public school property?

Is it for the money? No, that's not it. Can't be. Womack insisted is wasn't. He said it was for the coverage at Lakeside. And Lakeside is the only school on the list that didn't even get a signed contract and they really wanted one, too! Darn! (More on that to come in our next article.) If it was for the money, then someone should be fired for the worst contract negotiation of all times. Not only did they not get a premium for the prime real estate they are offering up with our elementary school playgrounds, but they got LESS than what a commercial site would have been paid for use of their much safer parking lot or empty lot on the side of the Interstate.

Okay, it's for the coverage? No, that's can't be it. There is just no way that 12 towers or 9 or 8 are necessary to improve coverage at Lakeside High School. It that was all they needed, they would be well covered by now since there is already more than 139 in a four mile radius of the school.

Is it for the money for the PTAs? Nope, that was just a big hoax to get them to keep quiet and play along. The PTA would never be allowed to keep a financial donation like this without having any projects earmarked for it. Since it cannot be spent on anything like teachers, books or other school-related things, that sort of takes away some of the fun, anyway, doesn't it? Womack suggested the PTAs just throw a party. Kinda like those hurrincane parties in New Orleans, right Mr. Womack? Just keep us all drunk and stupid so we don't realize that we just let you put a huge ugly HAZMAT danger right in the middle of our quaint, quiet residential communities. Worse yet, we got a whole bunch of security cameras to go with it so we can now be watched while trying to enjoy the privacy of our own homes. Yippiee! This is way better than racial segregation! You really did find something worse to do to us than fire all the teachers and replace them with computers, didn't you? We never should have underestimated you! And, here you tried to pretend like you didn't even read the contact or undersand the electromagnetic spectrum and we nearly feel for it.

What else do you have in store for us? Time is running out, you know. The school board election is held in July and you have a very worth opponent from Tucker, James (Tom) T. Gilbert Jr. And, LOOK, he has more names AND initials in his name than Mr. Womack does! I think that might just make him a shoe-in since no one appears to vote for anyone other than the best looking name on the page.

Even more strange is that School Board member Jay Cunningham actually discussed the meeting at MLK High School with those community members and he sounded pretty confident that he was not the only one there at the time.  A member of the community even makes a comment that the principal told her who was at the meeting and that the number being given out included Mr. Cunningham himself.  For more about that meeting, click here.

Remember to thank the Georgia Power employees you will be seeing around town.  They have been really putting in some long hours in order to supply all those massive power lines to the yet-to-be-acknowled cell towers that were ordered by your school board in order to get their hands on some more money for their lawyers.  And, you can admire the nifty spy gadgets that the police have installed at nearly every intersection, likely the lovely pay off offered by the telcomms in order to encourage the deception of us, the taypaying public. 

While Georgia Power was busy helping out ATT / T-mobile, they have likely replaced the meter on your home with a "Smart Meter" so not only will the children be under constant radiation from the cell towers at their schools, we all can enjoy pulsed frequencies every hour of every day right in the comfort of our own homes.

But, don't worry, they will not be getting all the fun.  We're sure there will be an App soon that will let you check our your own electric usage from your own smart meter.  Who knows, you may even be able to administer your own radiation treatments once you wind up with one the many forms of cancer that the reliable, credible medical community has warned us about. 

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