Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Rep. Hank Johnson Calls Out ALEC on the House Floor

Rep. Hank Johnson Calls Out ALEC on the House Floor

Original post found on http://www.prwatch.org/news.
Rep. Hank Johnson (D-GA) recently spoke on the floor of the U.S. House of Representatives about the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC) "undermining our democracy." In his address, Johnson urged Americans to visit the Center for Media and Democracy's ALECexposed.org site to learn more about the shadowy organization. Johnson also mentioned ALEC on the House floor earlier this month.

Corporations, Rep. Johnson noted, are using ALEC to, "install their agenda in the states and in Congress, undermining our basic rights and freedoms." He mentioned "Shoot First and ask questions later" laws pushed by the National Rifle Association as a "model" bill of ALEC, as well as ALEC's long-time role in urging states to divert tax dollars to for-profit prisons through numerous ALEC privatization bills that are pushed in the states by ALEC legislative leaders and members.

These cookie-cutter bills benefit the corporate members who pay for a seat at the table at ALEC task force meetings where corporate lobbyists vote as equals behind closed doors with elected state legislators.  (read more here.)

 In working to block a federal response to curb climate change and protect the environment, Johnson noted that the examples he mentioned are "only the tip of the melting iceberg" when it comes to ALEC's influence over the creation of anti-environmental public policy.

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