Get the Cell Out - Atlanta was recently nominated for an award for "Cause an Effect," a recognition program started by State Farm Insurance to reward real grass roots campaigns that seek to improve Education and Safety in our neigbhorhoods.

If we make it past the first round, we will let you know how you can help by voting for us. Any amount awarded by the Cause an Effect fund will be used to secure legal help in order to continue the mission to stop the cell towers slated for DeKalb County schools.
Thank you for the nomination and your moral support. We just surpassed a whopping
16,000 page views since we first started this blog site in November! We're glad to be helping the mission of awareness for the cause as well as better transparency by our government officials!
If you have not done so, remember to sign the countywide petition:
And email us with your letters to our leaders, their replies or any questions you may have.
State Farm also has a great branded presence on LinkedIn. The State Farm Company Profile has 52,000+ Followers. and the Careers Page conveys specific career content to viewers, dependent on the viewer's LI profile characteristics.