Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Dear FOX5 Station Manager, News Director, GM

Dear Station Manager / News Director / General Manager -I am a fan of FOX5 news, but lately I have noticed how frequently you run "stories" that appear to be nothing more than commercials for the newest iPhone or iPad.  Do you really  consider this to be news content?  In the meantime, the residents who have been fighting the telecomm industry, who rely on your newscast to be the watchdog of government, are having their neigbhorhoods torn apart by these near monopolies. Towers, phones, tablets - all emit radiation a possible human carcinigen. It's time we all rethink how "cool" we think our devices are in light of a possible health crisis.  By helping them "push" their products, you will continue to alienate the people who are sick of the lies and deception. www.GETtheCELLoutATL.org

1 comment:

  1. Please confirm that you have stopped using all cell phones and all mobile devices such as iPads, tablets, etc. that rely on a cell tower. Please do this to confirm that you are not a hypocrit. Please confirm that the security system at your home does not rely on a cellular backup in case burglars cut the phone lines to your home. Please confirm that you actively advocate to all your family and friends that they should do the same. Please confirm that you believe that all police, fire, and EMS personnel should not use cell phones or other mobile devices to perform their duties.


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