Walter Woods
Dekalb County School System
Dear Mr. Woods or to whom it may concern:
Pursuant to the Georgia Open Records Law (O.C.G.A § 50-18-70 et seq.) (the “Law”), you are hereby requested to make available for review and copying all files, records and other documents in your possessions as requested below:

We are interested in the exact names of attendees, not just the number present. As these records were made public for purpose of examination by Crossroads Newspaper, we believe they should be made public for examination by the parents and community members as well.
2.) Attendance records AND meeting minutes for the August 2010 meeting of the Budget, Audit and Finance Committee. We are interested in audience attendees, not just the committee members.
3.) “The plans” as referenced in the T-mobile contract with each of the 7 schools that have signed contracts. The plans were supposedly approved by the board and contain estimated construction timelines, according to the signed contracts dated December 2011, signed by Superintendent Atkinson and Chairman Bowen. (see below.)
4.) The signed contracts on or about December 2011 for leasing of school property by T-mobile as approved at the July 2011 board meeting for Lakeside High School and Narvie J. Harris Elementary School. (These were not present in our initial open records request.)
5.) The memo, contract or any other written or electronic communication that was signed or authorized by Interim Superintendent Ramona Tyson for the leasing of property to T-Mobile (or a subcontractor thereof) on or about July 12, 2011, as was indicated at the July 11, 2011, board meeting.
If this request is denied in whole or in part, we ask that you cite in writing the specific statutory exemption upon which you have relied, as required by law. We also ask that you release all separate portions of otherwise exempt material. Please waive any costs associated with this request, or first inform me of such costs as required by Georgia law.
As you know, the Law requires a response by you within three business days of your receipt of this letter and provides sanctions for non-compliance.
Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me at (sayno2celltowers@yahoo.com).
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