Friday, July 19, 2013

The Towers They Are a'Coming - One Way or Another

A new cell phone tower is being built in the Toco Hills area, even though it already has quite a few nearby.  It is possible that this one is taking the place of the one originally planned for the former Medlock Elementary School which was already closed and now houses the International Community Charter School.

It also marks the outside boundary of a proposed City of Lakeside, as do several other towers if they end up being built at the school where the contracts were signed more than two years ago, yet no one at the school system, at the county office, at the state, on the school board or in those communities can actually determine whether or not those towers will ever go up and how they plan to show a valid lease for the grounds since T-mobile never signed the Lakeside contract before they sold their towers division to another company (according to the articles we have read and posted here).

The North Druid Hills Patch was asking their readers if another tower would be an eyesore or if it represented better cell service.  We are making a wild guess that it is needed for the controversial traffic cameras that have been installed all around the area.

Big Brother is here.  Now, how much will our residents object to being followed and recorded at all times?

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