Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Letter to Rep. Hank Johnson Re: FCC's Inquiry into Cell Phone Standards

The following information has been submitted to 
U.S. Rep. Hank Johnson on 4/16/2013:

Message Subject: FCC Launches Investigation Into Radiation Effects of Cell Phones and Towers

Message Text:

Now that the FCC's notice of inquiry is official, the public has 90 days to comment on the limitations to RF radiation and whether or not they should be changed. The FCC's guidelines, which have not been updated since 1996, set a maximum limit on radiation exposure levels based on how much heat is emitted and absorbed by cell phones. But, new research has come to light that shows RF radiation may have an effect on DNA even at low-levels that are non-thermal if there is constant, long-term exposure. This constant and increasing level of "background radiation" is a concern for children who are expected to be protected from harm by using the same standards the FCC originally published based on the size and stature of a grown man. 
The Government Accountability Office has urged the FCC to revise its 16-year-old cell phone radiation standards. In a 46-page report, the GAO noted that the FCC has laid out its cell phone radiation limits based on the recommendations of federal and international health organizations, but that many of these bodies have since updated their standards based new research. Rep. Johnson, if you are able to provide your constituents' input to the FCC, please alert them to the large controversy that is still ongoing in DeKalb County as we were the first school district to be approached by a wireless company to place cell towers on our school grounds after the Worth Health Organization's announcement in May 2011. To date, we are still being kept in the dark on whether these contracts are valid and if the towers will or will not be built here. 
The citizens of DeKalb voted on a non-binding advisory referendum in July 2012 regarding this issue and 62% returned a "no" when asked if we should place cell towers on public school grounds. That's more than 75,000 voters and in some areas in South Dekalb the vote against cell towers was as high as nearly 80% even though their own school board member had said he was in favor of it. We wish to express to the FCC that we are not against progress and we are not against technology, but we do believe that the telecom industry makes a significant amount of money off the proliferation of cell phones in this country and that they most certainally should be able to find suitable locations for their towers without infringing on the rights of the citizens. We believe they have the technology and skill available to make cell phones safer, but until we are able to enforce fair regulations, there is far too much profit incentive for them to continue ignoring the research being done in other countries that shows that non-thermal effects do exist with even low level exposure. 
The telecoms should not be allowed to simply ignore the valid concerns of the medical community and researchers who have found evidence of these effects in thousands of independent and epidemiological studies. Other governments are taking measures to protect their children, even in Germany, the world headquarters for T-mobile, one of the biggest abusers of our cell tower emissions standards. T-mobile has been know to far exceed what is considered safe. And they ignore or even sue local officials who are only trying to zone fairly. German regulations do not allow towers near adults, children or even cattle. But here in the U.S., they ask to put the towers next to our youngest of children, the future of our country, and so many of our own representatives who are sworn to protect us will simply say yes because the money is there and the research is incomplete. 
The standards for cell phones should be clearly labeled and explained. And the cell towers in this country should be reviewed and tested to determine if they are within the limits already set and especially if tougher standards will be imposed. Self-regulation of this industry is not working and now that we are in the business of providing basic medical insurance to all our citizens through Obama Care, it's time we make sure we are eliminating known carcinogens from our everyday environment so we can live safer and healthier lives. 
Thank you for your time.

To send your own email on this subject to your Representative, use the links below:
Member Name                                            DC Phone            DC Fax  
Senator Saxby Chambliss (R- GA)               202-224-3521     202-224-0103     

Senator Johnny Isakson (R- GA)                 202-224-3643     202-228-0724

Representative Jack Kingston (R - 01)        202-225-5831     202-226-2269            https://kingston.house.gov/contactform/default.aspx

Representative Sanford D. Bishop, Jr. (D - 02)     202-225-3631     202-225-2203

Representative Lynn Westmoreland (R - 03)       202-225-5901     202-225-2515

Representative Hank Johnson (D - 04)    202-225-1605     202-226-0691

Representative John Lewis (D - 05)          202-225-3801     202-225-0351

Representative Tom Price (R - 06)            202-225-4501     202-225-465

Representative Rob Woodall (R - 07)       202-225-4272     202-225-4696

Representative Austin Scott (R - 08)        202-225-6531     202-225-3013                https://forms.house.gov/austinscott/webforms/zipauthen_contact.shtml

Representative Doug Collins (R - 09)        202-225-9893     202-226-1224     https://dougcollins.house.gov/email-me

Representative Paul C. Broun (R - 10)     202-225-4101     202-226-0776     http://broun.house.gov/contact/zipauth.htm

Representative Phil Gingrey (R - 11)        202-225-2931     202-225-2944                 http://www.house.gov/formgingrey/IMA/issue.htm

Representative John Barrow (D - 12)       202-225-2823     202-225-3377                 https://forms.house.gov/barrow/webforms/issue_subscribe.htm

Representative David Scott (D - 13)         202-225-2939     202-225-4628                 https://writerep.house.gov/writerep/welcome.shtml

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