Saturday, January 12, 2013

I Promise It's Not Goodbye (Chris Cornell)

Musician and former front man for the band Soundgarden,
Chris Cornell is helping the victims of Sandy Hook 
Elementary School.  GTCO-ATL has requested his permission
to use his song "Ground Zero" on our latest
video to be released before Monday, Jan. 14, to encourage
attendance at the Jan. 17 state board hearing in Dekalb County.

Jan. 12, 2013

Dear Management of Chris Cornell, musical artist:,

DeKalb County, GA, is a suburb of Atlanta and our schools are in trouble.  The board of education and superintendent are corrupt and have been using our tax dollars for their own gain and the children are caught in the middle of a political battle.

Our group was formed in May 2011 to stop dangerous cell phone towers from going up illegally on public school grounds, harming property values, destroying neighborhoods and placing hazardous materials near our children.

This Thursday, Jan. 17 and important hearing will take place as the state Board of Education considers recommending to the Governor of Georgia that he suspend the board.

We created an awesome video to promote attendance at this hearing and would like to use Chris Cornell's song "Ground Zero" off the live acoustic album.

We have placed a copy of the video on YouTube and on our website, (COMING SOON!)  and will remove it if we are violating your copyright on the song.  But, we are hoping you will understand the importance of bringing attention to our struggle and will provide us with your permission.

Thank you for what you and Mr. Cornell are doing in support of the families of Sandy Hook.  We are fighting for the survival of our children here, too, in a different way, but the outcome may still be as life changing.  We hope to make a difference.

Kind regards,
Longtime fans,

Founders of Get the Cell Out - ATL

on behalf of the
100,000 children in DeKalb County, GA's public schools

contact us:

I Promise It's Not Goodbye
 (Listen to "I Promise It's Not Goodbye" here:

A few years ago, Texan fan Rory de la Rosa lost his six-year-old daughter Ainslee to cancer. Shortly afterwards, he himself was diagnosed with the same illness. But Rory didn’t fall into despair. He wanted “to tell Chris Cornell how much his music impacted his life and of the bond it helped create for him and his daughter," says Karen, a carer at Rory’s hospice. Chris was touched by the story and wrote back - eventually resulting in a unique creative collaboration. Rory had written a poem about his daughter. Moved by the words, Chris suggested they turn the poem into a song. “It was a pleasure to put it to music and an honor,” he says. Sadly, Rory passed away shortly afterwards, but the proceeds from downloads of the song he wrote with Chris were able to help his family through a terrible time.
Since the recent tragedy at Sandy Hook Elementary School, people have been asking to hear the song again. In response, we have made the song available on In return, Chris hopes you will make a donation in memory of the children who lost their lives and do something to help those bereaved by this terrible tragedy.
Donate via any of these sites:

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