Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Response (#2) from Gov. Nathan Deal

ATLANTA 30334-0900
Nathan Deal
May 7, 2012

Dear (GTCO-ATL):
Thank you for getting in touch with my office regarding House Bill 1299. I appreciate your attention on matters that affect all of us as Georgia citizens.
After careful consideration of the merits of this bill and weighing the comments of Georgians who have contacted my office, I signed this bill on April 11, 2012.
I hope you will not hesitate to make your views known to me in the future, and thank you again for writing.

Gov. Nathan Deal

Please spread the word that the following item will appear on the July 31 ballot in DeKalb County:

Everyone who values the sanctity of their home is encouraged to vote NO on this item.  Even though it is "non-binding," it is very likely that it will be used to identify areas that report that they do not have a problem with the idea of "telecommunicaitons towers" (aka cell towers) on school grounds. 

If a commercial entity is given free access to publically paid property for the express purpose of making a profit, the doors may be opened to a wide variety of commercial interests to go around our county commissioners and straight to our school board in order to gain access to the inner boundaries of our residentially zoned neigbhorhoods.  We have  zoning laws in place for a reason and no one, not even the school system, should be permitted to go around them, especially for a purpose that is neither educational or pubically-minded, but merely an attempt to avoid taxes and circumvent the standard process that includes community notification.

Stop T-mobile.  Stop the runaway school board. 
Vote No to the telecommunications item
on the ballot this July 31. 
Pass it on!

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