School communities affected by this recent news:
- Jolly Elementary, Clarkston
- Smoke Rise Charter Elementary, Stone Mountain/Tucker
- MLK High School, Lithonia
- Princeton Elementary, Redan
- Narvie J. Harris Elementary, Decatur (South) (Panthersville Stadium)
- Margaret Harris Comprehensive School, Atlanta
- Flat Rock Elementary, Lithonia
School communities possibly affected by this recent news:
- Briarlake Elementary, Decatur (North)
- Lakeside High School, Atlanta
School communities previously on the list, but later removed:
- Brockett Elementary, Tucker
- Medlock Elementary, Decatur / Toco Hills
- Meadowview Elemetnary, Decatur (South)
We will have more information to assist you in the next steps of this cell tower process in the days ahead. In the meantime, do not forget that the residents of DeKalb County have voted and the majority of them have said that they are behind you. They do not want these towers, no matter what anyone else says.
Here is a look at how that question was answered on the July ballot.
Should the DeKalb County School System Operate or Place Telecommunications Towers on the property of any elementary, middle, high or charter school? YES or NO?
* Results based on July 2012 voter referendum results.
Overall total: 62% NO (More than 75,000 voters)
2012 Polling Area YES NO
Allgood 33 67

Ashford Park Ele. 48 52
Ashford Parkside 49 51
Austin 52 48
Austin Drive 30 70
Avondale 48 52
Avondale High 42 58
Bethune Middle 26 74
Bouldercrest Rd. 33 67
Boulevard 39 61
Briar Vista Elem. 53 47
Briarcliff 40 60
Briarlake Elem. 39 61
Briarwood 45 55
Brockett 38 62
Brockett Elem. 39 61
Brookhaven 47 53
Browns Mill Elem. 23 77
Burgess Elem. 40 60
Canby Lane Elem. 24 76
Candler 36 64
Cand-Mur Candler Elem. 34 66
Cedar Grove Elem. 26 74
Cedar Grove Middle 27 73
Cedar Grove South 27 73
Chamblee 47 53
Chapel Hill Elem 29 71
Chesnut Elem 45 55
Clairemont East 45 55
Clairemont West 41 59
Clairmont Hills 41 59
Clarkston 33 67
Clifton Elem. 26 74
Coan Middle 43 57
Columbia Middle 28 72
Coralwood 48 52
Covington 47 53
Covington Hwy Library 27 73
Cross Keys High 49 51
Crossroads 27 73
Doraville North 48 52
Doraville South 38 62
Dresden Elem 50 50
Druid Hills High 48 52
Dunaire Elem 36 64
Dunwoody 55 45
Dunwoody Elem. 48 52
Dunwoody Library 53 47
East Lake Elem. 41 59
Embry Hills 51 49
Emory Road 39 61
Emory South 50 50
Epworth 40 60
Evansdale Elem. 46 54
Fairington Elem. 28 72
Fernbank Elem. 49 51
Flakes Mill Fire Station 27 73
Flat Rock Elem. 25 75
Flat Shoals 29 71
Flat Shoals Elem. 28 72
Flat Shoals Library 26 74
Flat Shoals Parkway 25 75
Freedom Middle 29 71
Georgetown Square 51 49
Glenhaven 31 69
Glennwood 48 52
Gresham Road 30 70
Hambrick Elem. 34 66
Harris-Marg Ed. 46 54
Harris-Narvie Elem. 29 71
Hawthorne Elem. 48 52
Henderson Mill Elem. 51 49
Hugh Howell 43 57
Huntley Hills Elem. 46 54
Idlewood Elem. 40 60
Indian Creek Elem. 36 64
Johnson Estates 47 53
Jolly Elem. 37 63
Kelley Chapel Road 26 74
Kelley Lake Elem. 29 71
King-ML King Jr. High 28 72
Kingsley Elem 53 47
Kittredge 51 49
Knollwood Elem 35 65
Lakeside High 51 49
Lavista 52 48
Lavista Road 49 51
Lin-Mary Lin Elem 49 51
Lithonia 25 75
Lithonia High 31 69
Livsey Elem. 45 55
Marbut 27 73
Marhut Elem 27 73
Mathis-Bob Mathis Elem 23 77
McLendon 42 58
McNair Academy 33 67
McWilliams 24 76
Meadowview Elem. 29 71
Memorial North 34 66
Memorial South 27 73
Methropolitan 39 61
Midvale Elem. 46 54
Midvale Road 46 54
Midway Elem. 38 62
Miller Grove High 28 72
Miller Grove Middle 28 72
Miller Grove Road 25 75
Miller-Eld. Elem. 28 72
Montclair Elem. 34 63
Montreal 41 59
Mr. Vernon East 57 43
North Decatur 44 56
North Hairston 34 66
North Peachtree 45 55
Northlake 31 69
Oak Grove Elem. 52 48
Oak View Elem 29 72
Oakcliff Elem. 49 51
Oakhurst 40 60
Panola 28 72
Panola Road 19 81
Panola Way Elem. 29 71
Peachcrest Elem. 29 71
Peachtree Middle 47 53
Pine Lake 46 54
Piney Grove 42 58
Pleasantdale Elem. 48 52
Ponce DeLeon 41 59
Princeton Elem. 31 69
Rainbow Elem. 29 71
Redan Elem. 31 69
Redan Middle 31 69
Redan Road 28 72
Redan-Trotti Library 27 73
Rehoboth 37 63
Renfroe Middle 42 58
Rock Chapel Elem. 28 72
Rock Chapel Road 26 74
Rockbridge Elem. 36 64
Rockbridge Road 29 71
Rowland Elem. 31 69
Rowland Road 33 67
Sagamore Hills Elem. 47 53
Salem Middle 26 74
Scott 36 64
Shadow Rock Elem 31 69
Shamrock 42 58
Shaw-Robert Shaw Elem. 39 61
Silver Lake 51 49
Skyland 43 57
Smoke Rise Elem 44 56
Snapfinger Road South 25 75
Snapfinget Road North 32 68
South Deshon 28 72
South Hairston 28 72
Stephenson High 30 70
Stephenson Middle 27 73
Stone Mill Elem. 32 68
Stone Mtn. Chapmion 31 69
Stone Mountain Elem. 39 61
Stone Mountain Library 31 69
Stone Mountain Middle 32 68
Stoneview Elem. 27 73
Terry Mill Elem. 32 68
Tilly Mill Road 52 48
Toney Elem. 29 71
Tucker 43 57
Tucker Library 39 61
Valley Brook 39 61
Wadsworth Elem. 30 70
Warren Tech. 51 49
Wesley Chapel Library 23 77
White Oak 29 71
Winnona Park Elem 38 62
Winters Chapel 55 45
Woodbridge Elem. 27 73
Woodrow Road 28 72
Woodward Elem. 49 51
Wynbrooke Elem 27 73
Young Road 31 69
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