Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Cell Tower Contractors Spotted at Margaret Harris Comprehensive School in Atlanta

Questions about this video:  It shows a map indicating that Lakeside's cell tower is pending a permit, but we have not seen a signed contract form T-mobile.  It also indicates the other schools already have permits, but how could that have happened without zoning hearings that are open to the public?

Contact your county commissioner to find out why the standard zoning process is not being followed!  Let us know what you learn and remember, the school system is NOT exempt from the local control allowed by the FCC.  AND all contracts appear to have run out of time.  Why are they acting on expired permits?

In addition, the initial request for a cell tower came at the request of Lakeside High School.  If Lakeside is not getting a tower, then the school system cannot go forward with this deal because the vendor they selected (T-mobile) is not able to provide them with the service requested by the initial RFP which was for Lakeside only!  Without Lakeside, there is not a valid deal to enforce!

We will be meeting and discussing this issue with the Margaret Harris School Community.  We will update all over GTCO-ATL followers as soon as possible!

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