Shocking Only to Him,
H. Paul WOMACK is OUT,
Jim McMAHAN is IN for District 4
In District 6,
Voters Forfeited by a "No Call / No Show" Strategy
They Put Melvin "Know the Roles" Johnson
Ahead of Parent Activist Denise McGill
This adds some new twists to the same old story. The other victors this election year were Marshall Orson in District 2 who defeated incumbent Don McChesney after leaking a torrid email to the press on the heels of his outright lies to the media about the rules and outcomes as related to the SPLOST IV vote last November. As a lawyer with a huge smirk, this will be a slippery character to keep our eyes on, for sure.
It's the start of a new day in DeKalb County, GA. At least that is what we would like to believe. After yesterday's school board runoff elections, we're just not sure what the next two years will be like exactly.
Like all good suspense novels, the story about education, civil rights, political battle lines, corruption and scandal has been unraveled for the past several decades here in DeKalb County, GA.
This particular thriller, however, is non-fiction and the innocent victims are the poor, under served, mostly minority and handicapped children who do not know about the price tags being placed on their heads or the reasons why so many venture capitalists and other investors are suddenly turning attention their way.
We will have more of the behind-the-scenes analysis coming up in the next week, so check back with us.
Don't forget that the Crawford Lewis trial will begin soon. We will be covering that story as well.
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Comments are welcome.... if you see a link that says comments, below, then we would love to hear your take on this election and how your family is handling this most unusual start of the school year.
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