Monday, August 20, 2012

DCSD Score Card for Your Feedback... You Know, Because if They Let You Vent, They Think You Might Feel Better

School System Seeks Feedback
(please click headline for full details)

The DeKalb County School District has released a draft of its balanced scorecard and is seeking feedback from the community. The scorecard outlines the measures used to gauge progress in each of the five areas of the district's five-year strategic plan.

 Well, for the percentage of the population that believes in psycho-therapy or self-help, then perhaps the DeKalb County School System's new "scorecard" will be a way to relieve stress.  Don't worry, if you are not sure how to answer, we are pretty certain you can ask for help from other members of your family and they will not really consider it cheating.

Just have them cough once for A, twice for B and so on.  If it sounds complicated, just ask your kid to teach you how it's done.  You didn't think they wasted ALL that Title I fund money, did you?  Some of it had to pay for a few after-school tutors so that there were not any eyebrows raised.  Or, should we say any MORE eyebrows raised.  Let us know when we are allowed to lower them, okay?  We are afraid ours might be stuck this way!

The message from Dr. Cheryl Atkinson regarding the scorecard went something like this:

"Blah, blah, blah, accountability.  Yadda, yadda, yadda.  Blah, blah, transparency," said Dr. Cheryl Atkinson, Superintendent of DCSD who could not be reached at press time to let us know if we were going to be leaving her middle initials in or out with this press release.  "Yeah, Yeah, Yeah, we know.  Blah, blah, blah-blah-whatever."
Atkinson also stated, "When is my driver going to get here?" and then "I have a standing appointment to have my hair done once a week and he knows how I hate to be late for important matters of that nature!  Now, where was I?  (dramatic pause, and then...)  Oh yes! Blah, blah, victory in every classroom."
 The scorecard, available here, includes measures for content mastery at the elementary, middle and high school levels, as well as measures for personnel, operations, school safety and communication.   

And no, they do not care that the file is still called "draft" in the naming convention.  They probably do not even know what a naming convention is, but they will plan to use plenty of expense account dollars planning to attend one if we tell them where it is being held this year!

Feedback from the DeKalb County community is encouraged.  Biting off your own hand to prevent yourself from typing nothing but expletives is not recommended, but may qualify the school district to a few extra state or federal grants if you will report it to them promptly. 

Comments may be sent to   Yeah, good luck with that.

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