Sunday, March 11, 2012

Jolly Elementary School has FCC Tower Approval

One of the most helpful tools in keeping track with cell tower activity in your area is the website called  Although it does not provide information about your local zoning and permitting applications, it does let you know when a cell carrier applies for a license from the FCC, the step that typically takes place PRIOR to their applications locally.  The only step that comes before the FCC permit is the securing of a lease or purchase for the property in question.

Unfortunately, when an industry is growing as fast as the wireless business and they are left to "police themselves," they don't always do a great job of filling out the information required and somehow they continue to get away with it.  There is no way to really know if the tower locations reported to the FCC are completely accurate or if the are even actually built on the spot where they originally said they were going to build, but this database appears to be the closest thing to accurate as the public has available.

Accoring to Antenna Search, the following information can be learned about the Jolly Elementary School location:

1.)  It has an unregistered tower approved by the FCC for .11 miles from the school building address.  This tower belongs to T-mobile and is likely the one recently approved by the school board.  It will be counted among the total of 81 towers in a 4-mile radius of the school.  There are also two new tower applications found, one of which is for the DeKalb County Police Department.

Below are the currently registered towers near Jolly Elementary in Clarkston, GA:

Below are the un-registered towers currently near Jolly Elementary School:

Below is an aerial photo of the Jolly T-mobile tower location, right between the school and the playground, it will likely take up the majority of the ball field these kids currently use during recess and after-school to play soccer and other sports and activities.  You can also see the close proximity the tower will have to neighboring homes:

Here is a close-up of the Jolly Elementary School location for the T-mobile tower.  Remember, it will have a 60' x 60' base.  That is larger than any cell tower location we have been able to find anywhere.  What exactly is coming?  We are not sure!

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