Thursday, December 8, 2011

Response from DeKalb County Commissioner Larry Johnson's Office:

(click headline for the full story) Commissioner Larry Johnson was elected as the DeKalb 3rd District Commissioner in November 2002. With the overwhelming support of the community he won with 92 percent of the vote, making him one the youngest commissioners to ever be elected to serve on the Board of Commissioners. 

The following is an email received Nov. 28.  It is in response to GTCO-ATL's inquiry regarding the zoning and permitting of cell towers at the 9 schools in DeKalb County that were approved by the DeKalb County School Board on July 11, 2011:

"Thank you for your comments; however, the decision to place cells towers on school properties was made by the Board of Education, a body elected by the citizens of DeKalb. The DeKalb County Board of Commissioners does not have oversight or the authority by state law to countermand decisions made by the Board of Education.

"I would certainly urge you to contact your State Senator and State Representative as well as the State School Board Representative. The DeKalb County Board of Commissioners does not have any jurisdiction in this issue. As it relates to the issuance of permits, the Board of Commissioners does not issue the permits for construction of any kind. The issuance of permits is an administrative function and follows the rules and regulations established for the permitting process. Unless the Board of Education or whomever is applying for the permits for the cell towers fails to meet the requirements as established, there is no way that the Board of Commissioners can legally intercede in this matter.

"Again, you comments are appreciated; however, I would urge you to contact the State Representative and State Senator for your area and the State School Board Representative."

Thank you.

1 comment:

  1. Great! If I want to put a rifle range at our elementary school, all I have to do is vote my buddy onto the school board and your office cannot stop them? Why is our government allowing us to be exposed to potentially deadly radiation? Don't we have to follow rules of engagement? You cannot attack defenseless citizens. Especially our elderly and children. Did you know this same technology was used as a weapon during war? Suddenly it's OK to use on us? Why? What have we done?


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