Sunday, September 15, 2013

T-Mobile Wants to Run the City of Tucker

Get this .... So, it may not too surprising, but still leaves us flabbergasted as to the extremes T-mobile will go to get their way... just learned that at least one person on the board for Tucker 2014, the city advocacy group that appeared out of nowhere and raised $30K cash without holding any major fundraisers, also works for T-mobile. Shocker.

Here is a link to his profile in the group Tucker 2014:  (Look for Tres Scott).

Here is a link to his LinkedIn Profile:  In case it is taken down, here is what it says about him:

Tres Scott's Experience

Manager, IT Revenue Validation


Public Company; 10,001+ employees; DT; Telecommunications industry
October 2005 – Present (8 years)

But, wait, there's more ... his wife was a part of our "Save Tucker!" group as she pretended to be on the fence about cityhood so she could report back to the city group about what we were doing an saying in our closed FB group.

As for the other members of their board - 2 of the 3 live on the same street as the T-mobile person. The third is a Libertarian (likes big business) who kicked one of our members off his Yahoo Discussion group for asking if anyone knew of an attorney in the area who could help stop T-mobile from putting cell towers at our public schools.

Zoning hearing tomorrow at the county level at 6:30 p.m. We're hoping to convince them that current zoning regulations are fine and do not need to be changed. Then, we'll have to focus on educating everyone all over again because the "city" that T-mobile wants to build is focused on three things: ZONING, PARKS, PUBLIC SAFETY.

In other words, cell towers on every block and everyone else gets a pink slip and higher taxes to pay for the spy cameras at every traffic light. Soon after they take office they will advocate for online education... you heard it here first. (Well, unless you live elsewhere, then you have already been down this path before.)

For more, please follow us on Facebook.

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