If you share the concerns of Dr. Stamper and Get the Cell Out, please take a few moments to email or call, at a minimum, the following people who are critical to this struggle:
- Director of Public Works, DeKalb County:
- Director of Planning and Sustainability, DeKalb County:
- Interim CEO of DeKalb County:
- Interim Superintendent of DeKalb County Schools:
- And your county commissioner, school board representatives and state legislators.
Dear Smoke Signal Editors,
Thank you for printing the Letter to the Editor in your August 2013 newspaper edition. It was from a new Smoke Rise family that recently learned about the former school board's vote to approve cell towers for several schools in DeKalb County, including one at Smoke Rise Elementary School. We applaud your publication for helping to educate and inform your community on this issue.
Thank you to Robert Stamper and Dr. Johanna Stamper for stepping up to inform your new community of Smoke Rise about what you learned about the dangers of cell towers and encouraging them to contact their elected officials! We have reprinted a letter to the editor written by Dr. Stamper which was published in the August 2013 edition of the Smoke Signal, a local newsletter for the residents in the Smoke Rise community.
We also thank the Smoke Rise Homeowners' Association for sending Virginia Reece as their representative to the Tucker Parent Council meeting at Brockett Elementary School at the end of the last school year. We appreciate her comments and efforts to educate the Smoke Rise community and others in DeKalb who heard her dialogue with the Interim Superintendent Thurmond.
We have listed some contact details here in order to assist your efforts. As Dr. Stamper noted, it is very important for the residents near any of the proposed school cell tower sites to voice their concerns to Commissioner Lee May as he is now the acting CEO of our county.
The county commissioners have all stated they would uphold the codes at the time, but those codes are now in a review process. Don't let the cell tower companies slip changes past you that could lead to a tower being built without community input.
We hope you will visit our website, www.GETtheCELLoutATL.org, to keep up to date on this issue. We want to remind your readers that when they email or speak to their local government officials, it is important to mention concern for ALL the schools in DeKalb County and ALL the children. The safety of the children must come as the highest priority above anything else. Our leaders need to know that this is one issue that cannot be used to pit communities against one another. On this topic, we will not be divided.
Thanks Smoke Rise residents for being GOOD NEIGHBORS!
--- Get the Cell Out Atlanta
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