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Sarah Copelin-Woods |
GET THE CELL OUT - ATL is participating in LIVE BLOGGING
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Here are a few of the comments from
The Patch Live Blogging that took place this a.m.
Here is an alternate feed from State BOE - they are aware of tech issues and working on them. I haven't tried the link but think you need realplayer for it to work.
TuckerPatch: Question: Have you developed a risk rating for DeKalb schools? Answer: Yes, they are high risk. Have been for years.
TuckerPatch: DeKalb did not use "millions" it was entitled to.
TuckerPatch: State BOE member: "This financial system seems archaic."
Comment From DeKalb School Watch:
It's hard to believe that this GaDOE financial person came to a hearing specific to DCSS almost completely uninformed about DCSS.
Comment From Dyspepsia:
My stomach is hurting - this is clear confirmation of what we have all been discussing for years.
Comment From Guest:
FWIW> last year the state decided that non-partisan elections would be held in summer. School boards are (supposedly) non-partisan - so the last election was held in (June or July - can't remember). The 2014 election to replace all seven at once will be held in SUMMER of 2014. You know - the time when hardly anyone votes...
Comment From Guest:
I am a lawyer. And this is lousy lawyering by the board's representative. Glad we're paying for this.
Comment From GTCO-ATL:
They steal money from us and our children every time they hold a public meeting, why isn't THAT a crime?
TuckerPatch: H: You would agree with me that ethics and conlicts of interest are important?
SCW: Absolutely
Comment From Guest:
Folks--this is direct evidence of a single conflict of interest which allows the fact finder to make the inference that the board does not follow its own policies. That's how hearings work. SCW has now just said she does not believe what she did was a violation of policy, which opens the door for more questions. Patience. This is not a 60 minute court tv show with commercial interruptions. It is a real legal proceeding.
Comment From GTCO-ATL :
SCW has been used, imo, by Walker. Same with Cunningham. They are not as smart, clearly, and they put forth the image that keeps the county divided. They are supported by their church members, friends, family. Nothing wrong with that inherently, but much is wrong with voting on issues because someone is telling you what to do. I hope we learn from this and demand more (everyone) from those we elect. Don't just go along to get along is what Don McChesney would call it.
Comment From GTCO-ATL: That's absolutely true. They do not follow their policies, but they also do not have to. Nothing illegal about it. Can't throw them out for changing their own rules. If that were possibly, you would have to overthrow the Boyscouts of America. Not saying I agree. Just something we learned when many rules were broken on cell towers and we sought legal advice.
TuckerPatch: Email allegedly contained disparaging remarks made by SCW about Ad Ed/SACS but was not sent to board members, therefore Wilson contends it's protected by free speech and is not relevant.
GTCO-ATL: They can do what they want. This is not a court of law. This is akin to being called to your boss's office when some money went missing from petty cash. They may or may not fire you and you can say what you want or keep quiet, but they probably already know what's going to happen at the end of their little "inquiry" and they have their own HR policies to follow, but it really doesn't matter what you say. Only what you did. Or what they think you did.
Comment From Guest:
WIlson's strategy is clear. Stall Stall Stall with courtroom procedures. SCW testimony is useless as she can't remember what she had for breakfast.Comment From Guest: I wonder if Atkinson is watching this from the beach with a pina colada in her hand.
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