Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Stephenson Community Council Issues Plea to Residents: We Must Unite!

DEKALB COUNTY WE MUST UNITE! (For the Sake of Our Children's Education)

The Investigative evaluation conducted on October 17-19 by an AdvancED Special Review Team found the DeKalb County School District in violation of the AdvancED Standards for Accredidation. The probation is effective immediately and runs through December 2013. For full details and outlines of our offenses and  see:
SHOCKED ANYONE?  You should not be.  This is a train wreck that at minimum has been 10 years in the making.
As a parent of a Junior at Stephenson High School this news could not have come at a worse time. As Parents, my husband and I have focused on SAT's. ACT's, AP classes, GPA, extra curricular, and Band- It is our job to guide Brandon, and to make sure all key items are in place as he approaches his Home stretch into Senior year....
As a community advocate, and as Director of the Stephenson Community Council, it has been our focus to partner and with our local schools in our cluster.  We have placed our focus is on supporting our schools-  help increase parental involvement,  offer extra curricular activities to family units, and to support the students, educators and community.  This is everyone's worse nightmare and a scenario that NONE of us want to encounter.
Any of us parents who sit with students poised to graduate with the class of 2014- are all in the same boat- wondering if after 12 years of hard work and effort- our children will graduate from an ACCREDIDATED SCHOOL SYSTEM.  and even worse WHAT IF THEY DON'T?
This my friends affects EVERY SINGLE DEKALB COUNTY RESIDENT who has an Eleventh grader in the DCCD School System- It matters not if our child(ren) attends a Northside/Southside/Charter/Magnet School.  Ultimately we all face the same music, and the same challenge...Our Nail Biter....and the BIG QUESTION on EACH OF OUR MINDS....WHAT NOW????
This is No Longer about, who you knew, who you know, how long you've been a School Board member- If you come from the Good Old Boy network, or if you come from the friends and family with benefits package- This is about what's right, and what has been the lost focal point for years- The EDUCATION OF OUR CHILDREN, THE PRESERVATION OF GOOD QUALITY TEACHERS AND ADMINISTRATORS, AND THE NEED  TO BAN TOGETHER TO PRESERVE OUR COMMUNITIES.
DeKalb we have no choice now but to come to one accord- As a collective unit, what can we do to make our voices heard, and to DEMAND an EFFECTIVE solution for all. I ask you readers, HOW do we, the people of DeKalb county demand what's in the best interest of the main stakeholders here, OUR CHILDREN, OUR TEACHERS, OUR COMMUNITIES?  We, the residents of DeKalb County have the powers and the means to MAKE OUR VOICES HEARD.
This is the time for US TO SHOW A UNITED FRONT-DEMAND leadership and a Board of Education that is sensitive to the needs of this COUNTY and will take the proper action to set us on a new and proactive track.
DeKalb county Citizens- we can no longer hide behind a blog, or mumble amongst ourselves-  Parents, clergy, community leaders, and citizens, WE MUST RISE UP AND FIGHT FOR OUR CHILDREN!  I beg of you, let’s unite and DEMAND a Team whose vision is to support ONE Focus, ONE Voice, and ONE DeKalb!
Denise E. McGill- Founder and Director
Stephenson Community Council, Inc.

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