Six million people didn’t vote in the 2008 elections because they either did not know how to register or because they missed the voter registration deadline.
The voter registration deadline for Georgia is Tuesday, Oct. 9, exactly two weeks from today. If you’re unsure of your registration status, visit the Georgia Secretary of State website.
Voter registration forms are attached to this article and also are available at the Georgia Secretary of State’s Office and all Atlanta-DeKalb County Public Library branches.
To register to vote in the state of Georgia, you must be:
- A citizen of the United States
- A legal resident of Georgia and of the county in which you wish to vote
- At least 18 years of age by election day
Also, you may not register to vote if you are currently: - Serving any sentence imposed by the conviction of a felony
- Judicially determined to be mentally incompetent
- In the state of Georgia, you do not have to register by political party to vote in the state's regular primaries or general elections.
- You may register to vote at any time, but you must be registered by the close of registration prior to an election if you wish to vote on election day, i.e., the application must be postmarked by the voter registration deadline. If you are not registered to vote, register today.
- If you are registering for the first time in Georgia, and you register by mail, you are required to provide one of the following acceptable forms of identification by mailing a copy or providing a copy during the absentee voting period.
- Georgia driver's license, even if it's expired.
- Valid state or federal government issued photo ID, including one issued by the Department of Driver Services or your county registrar's office.
- Valid U.S. passport.
- Valid employee photo ID from any branch, department, agency, or entity of the U.S. Government, Georgia or any county, municipality, board, authority or other entity of this state.
- Valid U.S. military photo ID.
Here's the precinct locator and for more information regarding voter registration, please contact the Voter Registration Division at 404-730-7072 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting

Make sure to check your polling location. Precinct changes are posted here.
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