Monday, July 16, 2012

DeKalb's Digest on Drastic Decline

At the school board meeting today, new information was discussed about the Superintendent's recommendations for the 2012/13 budget.  The proposal was posted online in more detail than previously provided.  You can view it here.

One interesting slide contained in the proposal was this one below: 

Look at the sharp decline in our property digest over the past few years.  Our schools are failing and our property values are plumeting. 

Obviously the addition of cell towers to the middle of our neighborhoods would only cause further declines in value, make homes harder to sell and deter others from wanting to move here.

People are moving out of DeKalb and with good reason. But, we know this property will be valuable again one day as long as we do not cause further harm by adding radiation at unmonitored, unacceptable levels to the list of hazards our children must endure and each of our residents must accept along with some of the highest property tax rates found anywhere in the metro Atlanta area.

Please, vote on July 31 and vote responsibly.  We need a change in our school leadership.  We need a big change in DeKalb while there is still something worth saving!

1 comment:

  1. Didn't you blame our BOE members for declining property tax revenues? Is the federal government and Wall Street without blame?


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