Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Delivery of Petition: DEADLINE EXTENDED: SIGN BY MIDNIGHT on Jan. 11, 2012

If you have comments or specific conerns about the cell tower planned for your school or community, please sign the countywide petition as soon as possible.

The link is at the top left of this website.

Your comments will be included and your name is allowed to remain annoymous online (as well as all your contact details).

The comments of all communities will be compiled and delivered to all the parties at T-mobile, the school board and our local and state government who have input into this process.

NOTE: Even if your comments do not stop the tower, you may still have the right for your specific concerns to be addressed before the construction can begin.

If you or anyone you know needs convincing about the dangers of cell phone use, please watch this video, and spend some time researhing this topic on your own. There are many precautions you can take to reduce the radiation you and your family are exposed to on a daily basis. It is worth a little extra time to learn what you can so you can make informed choices about how to stand up for your own rights and the rights of others.

Industry research is a one-sided story. You need to hear the opposing side - those with loved ones who have suffered as a result of what can only be attributed to cell phones or cell towers. Remember, many cases are still tied up in litigation and the victims cannot discuss the topic until a decision has been reached. Many cases have been settled already and the litigants are bound to a gag-order as part of the judgment award. There is still a report from the World Health Organization scheduled for 2012 release.

Do not lose sight that Amerian citizens have more rights than businesses, unless we agree to give them up.

CLICK PHOTO TO PLAY VIDEO: OR GO TO:  http://youtu.be/zLt7wdipLUA

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